Tag Archive | politics

In My Life, I have watched…

Weekly Observations

Weekly Observations

What We Saw This Week

I came across a social media posting this week, concerning the impact and insights about the Trump Administration. I liked this posting, so I went on a search to find the original source.

The article was written by Charles Pierce in Esquire Magazine on October 3, 2018, in response to Trump mocking Christine Blasey Ford’s testimony before Congress for the Brett Kavanaugh Supreme Court Confirmation hearings.

In the article Pierce calls out the vile attack by this president and then puts his comments into perspective. The piece of the article that is being passed around on the internet, leaves out the first paragraphs of the original article. So I’ll paste a link to the original story below. But here’s the part people, including me, are capturing as a rebuke of this hate filled administration.

In my life, I have watched John Kennedy talk on television about missiles in Cuba. I saw Lyndon Johnson look Richard Russell squarely in the eye and and say, “And we shall overcome.” I saw Richard Nixon resign and Gerald Ford tell the Congress that our long national nightmare was over. I saw Jimmy Carter talk about malaise and Ronald Reagan talk about a shining city on a hill. I saw George H.W. Bush deliver the eulogy for the Soviet bloc, and Bill Clinton comfort the survivors of Timothy McVeigh’s madness in Oklahoma City. I saw George W. Bush struggle to make sense of it all on September 11, 2001, and I saw Barack Obama sing “Amazing Grace” in the wounded sanctuary of Mother Emanuel Church in Charleston, South Carolina. Continue reading

Weekly Observations For – May 21st

Weekly Observations

Weekly Observations

What We Saw This Week

Some of my observations from around the social media networks. Comments I made, events I shared. Stories with some laughter and some concern. Some news stories that created annoyance with politics  or moments of joy with a few good news stories too.

May 27th
Smithsonian Magazine
May 27th at 12:46pm ·
A Long-Lost Manuscript Contains a Searing Eyewitness Account of the Tulsa Race Massacre of 1921
A recovered manuscript holds the 95-year-old eyewitness account of the 1921 Tulsa Race Riot.

May 27, 2016 11:09pm
There are many things history teaches us. One of them is to NEVER FORGET, so that we NEVER REPEAT THE PAST! Continue reading

Weekly Observations For – May 14th

Weekly Observations

Weekly Observations

What We Saw This Week

Some of my observations from around the social media networks. Comments I made, events I shared. Stories with some laughter and some concern. Some news stories that created annoyance with politics  or moments of joy with a few good news stories too.

May 20th
Pat McCrory
May 19 at 1:56pm ·
One Democrat Attorney General and candidate for governor calls President Obama’s directive to schools “wrong,” the other supports the Obama administration

May 20, 2016 9:24pm
Once again religious zealots are oblivious of the facts. Obama’s letter to schools is simply asking schools to uphold the law and the Constitution. And once again the religious zealots are screaming from inside their little delusional bubble where facts and legal rights have no place. Hmm sounds a lot like the countries in the middle east who uphold Sharia law above all else. Continue reading

Weekly Observations For – May 7th

Weekly Observations

Weekly Observations

What We Saw This Week

Some of my observations from around the social media networks. Comments I made, events I shared. Stories with some laughter and some concern. Some news stories that created annoyance with politics  or moments of joy with a few good news stories too.

May 13th
Pat McCrory
May 12 at 6:23pm ·
The White House just announced that it won’t pull federal funding to North Carolina while we take them to court. Sometimes the only way to stop a bully is to stand your ground and stare them down.

May 13, 2016 2:27pm
If standing up for equal rights is being a bully, then I think the U.S. Government has the bigger balls. You however are a disgrace pandering to the ignorant few with taxpayer money that should be going to the education of NC’s future. Continue reading

Weekly Observations For – April 23rd

Weekly Observations

Weekly Observations

What We Saw This Week

Some of my observations from around the social media networks. Comments I made, events I shared. Stories with some laughter and some concern. Some news stories that created annoyance with politics  or moments of joy with a few good news stories too.

April 29th
My FB Post:
April 29 at 2:48pm ·
Folks, I appreciate the concern about my Migraine the other day. But the 42 messages telling me how to cure migraines was not helpful. Each of you made a couple of assumptions;
1. that I told you everything about my medical condition (I didn’t and never do on social media).
2. That my brand of migraine is like your brand of migraine or like the common variations of migraines. It’s not.
Normal migraines have 3 triggers,
1. Food which can include vitamin deficiency.
2. Stress
3. Weather.
These do not affect the type of migraines I get. I’m touched that so many of you want to help. But you can stop now
. Continue reading

Weekly Observations For – April 30th

Weekly Observations

Weekly Observations

What We Saw This Week

Some of my observations from around the social media networks. Comments I made, events I shared. Stories with some laughter and some concern. Some news stories that created annoyance with politics  or moments of joy with a few good news stories too.

May 6th  
May 6 at 9:06am
Boaty McBoatface will live on as the name of one of the high-tech sub-sea vehicles on the main ship.
– Boaty By Another Name: ‘Sir David Attenborough’ Is Chosen For British Research Ship

May 06, 2016 4:20pm
My son has been telling me about this for, well it has to be months! Cracks me up. But I think they should have stuck to the voted name and not vetoed the popular vote. I mean, what was the purpose of the submission/voting in the first place.

Boaty McBoatface will live on as the name of one of the high-tech sub-sea vehicles on the main ship. Continue reading

Weekly Observations For April 16th

Weekly Observations

Weekly Observations

What We Saw This Week

Some of my observations from around the social media networks. Comments I made, events I shared. Stories with some laughter and some concern. Some news stories that created annoyance with politics  or moments of joy with a few good news stories too.

April 22nd
April 22 at 10:20am ·
North Carolina Gov. Pat McCrory says the Human Rights Campaign is “more powerful than the NRA.” We rate that False.
` N.C. Gov. Pat McCrory, under fire on HB2, says Human Rights Campaign is ‘more powerful than the NRA’
The Human Rights Campaign, or HRC, is a major player in the opposition to North Carolina’s controversial new law, House Bill 2, which limits LGBT rights in public accommodations — and which McCrory was on national television to defend.

April 22 9:44pm
Well of course it’s false, he wouldn’t know the truth if walked right up to him and introduced itself. Continue reading

Weekly Observations For April 9th

Weekly Observations

Weekly Observations

What We Saw This Week

Some of my observations from around the social media networks. Comments I made, events I shared. Stories with some laughter and some concern. Some news stories that created annoyance with politics or moments of joy with a few good news stories too.

April 15th
Heather Sullivan NBC12
Apr 15, 2016 at 5:42am ·
TEACHERS discouraging students from pursuing a teaching career because the pay is low. What do you think about this? We’re talking about it on air in minutes

They’re telling the truth, what’s wrong with that? If you don’t like it, I suggest you start complaining to local, state and federal governments about teacher pay, the constant cuts to education, and the mishandling of educational budgets. Continue reading

Weekly Observations For April 2nd

Weekly Observations

Weekly Observations

What We Saw This Week

Some of my observations from around the social media networks. Comments I made, events I shared. Stories with some laughter and some concern. Some news stories that created annoyance with politics  or moments of joy with a few good news stories too.

April 8th
April 8 2016 – 9:00 pm
“Bruce Springsteen Cancels Show in North Carolina To Protest ‘Bathroom Bill'”
The Boss just gave North Carolina the “Tenth Avenue Freeze-Out” … or maybe just a “New Jersey salute.”.

Excellent! So glad so many people are speaking up against bigotry and ignorance. Remaining quiet provides silent agreement to the hate being implemented by local and state governments. You cannot legislate bigotry and get away with it!! Continue reading

Vote – If You Don’t “They” Win

I Voted Today – Did You?

Are you tired of the attack ads, political spin, false accusations and fear-mongering? Me too. All the money it took this election cycle to buy your vote is obscene. And that has made many Americans disenfranchised. Many wonder if their votes mean anything when they’re up against Billionaires like the Koch brothers, Donald Trump and others who have their own agenda.

The only way your vote can be bought is if you don’t vote at all. By not voting you’re allowing those Big Super Packs to court the votes of those who fall into their manipulative clutches. If you want to change things, if you want the economy to turn around, then stop allowing the corporations to vote for you and stop them from electing representatives that are going to vote for the Corporations and not for you.


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© 1997-2014 Springwolf, D.D., Ph.D., Springwolf’s Creations. All Rights Reserved.