
Happy Friday the 13th, 2016

thirteen-wolfIt’s A Lucky Day for Some

It’s another occurrence of the 13th falling on a Friday. And to Pagan’s that’s a good day!

Fear of Friday the 13th is known as triskaidekaphobes.

While the mainstream Western World runs in fear from Friday the 13th, many pagans should shed those made up connotations and revel in the day as one to be celebrated with joy and excitement. It’s a time to let go of the old that maybe holding you back and welcome in the new. It’s a day to honor the Divine (whatever that is to you) and connect with spirit for progress, and positive transformation. It’s a good day to create new ritual tools, such as carving a new wand, fashioning a new broom or even simply cleaning off your altar and re-organizing your supply closet.

Whither you’re Pagan or not, we would like to send out our wish for you to have a Wondrous and Happy Friday the 13th!

Learn more about Friday the 13th:



© 1997-2014 Springwolf, D.D., Ph.D., Springwolf's Kosmos. All Rights Reserved.
© 1997-2016 Springwolf, D.D., Ph.D., Springwolf’s Creations. All Rights Reserved.


Next On The Ænigma Project: Ghost Brothers

The Ænigma Project Mondays 8 PM Eastern

The Ænigma Project
Mondays 8 PM Eastern

The Ænigma Project – Mondays 8 PM EST

I mixed up my calendar days and posted next weeks topic (The Men In Black) for tonight’s show. Sorry for the confusion!

The Ænigma Project is a discussion group focused on the realm of the supernatural, paranormal and mysterious events that sometimes take place in our lives. Through multiple view points and experiences, we seek to enlighten our listeners and elucidate that which has become hidden beneath the many layers of misunderstanding and fear.

Join Paul Cagle and his co-hosts Sushi and Springwolf as we share our research, knowledge, insight and humor of the spiritual and paranormal. Be part of the Ænigmite Crew and play “Truth or Tale”, see if you can tell the stories that are real, from those that are made up. And find out what the latest strange or paranormal is being talked about for the week as we discuss the “News of the Day”.

Tune in tonight for our LIVE broadcast. The radio link on our ListenLIVE page will update for tonight’s show as soon as we go LIVE. You will see the Listen bar change and update for tonight’s scheduled topic. This is your queue to tune in, sit back and enjoy our discussion.

To get into the chat room, scroll down below the radio Listen Bar and you’ll find our new chat room. You can join in the chat to share your perspective on our topic or ask questions for the panel to contemplate and address. You can also sit outside the room and simply watch the discussion. No need to sign-in if you don’t want to. Our chat room regulars are always posting pictures, sharing some laughs and even having thoughtful discussions on their own.

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Windows 10 Malware from Microsoft

frustratedMicrosoft Is At It Again

A few weeks ago I shared a method for getting rid of those annoying Windows 10 upgrade reminders that Microsoft installed on your pc, whither you wanted it or not.

Well it seems Microsoft has written a Malware program to get around that fix. Even if you’ve told them you don’t want Win10 and you’ve hidden the updates from future installs, they’re going to ignore that and reinstall the “Get Windows 10 app” (KB3035583) again. It’s more than annoying, it’s unethical and pisses a large number of people off. Including me.

After removing the Win10 updates when I found the BetaNews solution on April 24th, I discovered Microsoft had reinstalled the “Get Windows 10” app (KB3035583) on May 6th. Even when I said I didn’t want it. Once again I removed the app update and again told my system to hide it from future installs. Once again it was reinstalled on May 26th!! Once again I have removed the app and hid it from future updates. This is getting ridiculous! STOP IT Microsoft!

The method to uninstall the Win10 updates had been provided by BetaNews who shared a great step by step article to help you with this annoying issue.
See Remove unwanted Windows 10 upgrade files from Windows 7 and Windows 8.x

The original fix from BetaNews still works thankfully. It’s simply frustrating that you have to remove the app update over and over. Only one file is re-downloaded to your system KB3035583.

So find that and remove it as BetaNews suggests:
..for preventing the files being downloaded again,
go to Start > Control Panel > Programs > Uninstall or change a program.
Click View installed updates on the left.
Use the search box to locate the following updates:
– KB3035583, KB2952664, and KB3021917 (Windows 7) or
– KB3035583 and KB2976978 (Windows 8).
Right-click each one and select Uninstall.
When done,
go to System and security in the Control Panel,
select Windows Update > Check for updates.
Right-click each of the above updates in turn and select Hide update.

© 1997-2014 Springwolf, D.D., Ph.D., Springwolf's Kosmos. All Rights Reserved.
© 1997-2015 Springwolf, D.D., Ph.D., Springwolf’s Creations. All Rights Reserved.

Weekly Observations For – May 7th

Weekly Observations

Weekly Observations

What We Saw This Week

Some of my observations from around the social media networks. Comments I made, events I shared. Stories with some laughter and some concern. Some news stories that created annoyance with politics  or moments of joy with a few good news stories too.

May 13th
Pat McCrory
May 12 at 6:23pm ·
The White House just announced that it won’t pull federal funding to North Carolina while we take them to court. Sometimes the only way to stop a bully is to stand your ground and stare them down.

May 13, 2016 2:27pm
If standing up for equal rights is being a bully, then I think the U.S. Government has the bigger balls. You however are a disgrace pandering to the ignorant few with taxpayer money that should be going to the education of NC’s future. Continue reading

Weekly Observations For – April 23rd

Weekly Observations

Weekly Observations

What We Saw This Week

Some of my observations from around the social media networks. Comments I made, events I shared. Stories with some laughter and some concern. Some news stories that created annoyance with politics  or moments of joy with a few good news stories too.

April 29th
My FB Post:
April 29 at 2:48pm ·
Folks, I appreciate the concern about my Migraine the other day. But the 42 messages telling me how to cure migraines was not helpful. Each of you made a couple of assumptions;
1. that I told you everything about my medical condition (I didn’t and never do on social media).
2. That my brand of migraine is like your brand of migraine or like the common variations of migraines. It’s not.
Normal migraines have 3 triggers,
1. Food which can include vitamin deficiency.
2. Stress
3. Weather.
These do not affect the type of migraines I get. I’m touched that so many of you want to help. But you can stop now
. Continue reading

Weekly Observations For – April 30th

Weekly Observations

Weekly Observations

What We Saw This Week

Some of my observations from around the social media networks. Comments I made, events I shared. Stories with some laughter and some concern. Some news stories that created annoyance with politics  or moments of joy with a few good news stories too.

May 6th  
May 6 at 9:06am
Boaty McBoatface will live on as the name of one of the high-tech sub-sea vehicles on the main ship.
– Boaty By Another Name: ‘Sir David Attenborough’ Is Chosen For British Research Ship

May 06, 2016 4:20pm
My son has been telling me about this for, well it has to be months! Cracks me up. But I think they should have stuck to the voted name and not vetoed the popular vote. I mean, what was the purpose of the submission/voting in the first place.

Boaty McBoatface will live on as the name of one of the high-tech sub-sea vehicles on the main ship. Continue reading

Weekly Observations For April 16th

Weekly Observations

Weekly Observations

What We Saw This Week

Some of my observations from around the social media networks. Comments I made, events I shared. Stories with some laughter and some concern. Some news stories that created annoyance with politics  or moments of joy with a few good news stories too.

April 22nd
April 22 at 10:20am ·
North Carolina Gov. Pat McCrory says the Human Rights Campaign is “more powerful than the NRA.” We rate that False.
` N.C. Gov. Pat McCrory, under fire on HB2, says Human Rights Campaign is ‘more powerful than the NRA’
The Human Rights Campaign, or HRC, is a major player in the opposition to North Carolina’s controversial new law, House Bill 2, which limits LGBT rights in public accommodations — and which McCrory was on national television to defend.

April 22 9:44pm
Well of course it’s false, he wouldn’t know the truth if walked right up to him and introduced itself. Continue reading

Next On The Ænigma Project: Monday 4/25 Mothman

SpringOnTheRadio The Ænigma Project – Mondays 8 PM EST

The Ænigma Project is a discussion group focused on the realm of the supernatural, paranormal and mysterious events that sometimes take place in our lives. Through multiple view points and experiences, we seek to enlighten our listeners and elucidate that which has become hidden beneath the many layers of misunderstanding and fear.

Join Paul Cagle and his co-hosts Sushi and Springwolf as we share our research, knowledge, insight and humor of the spiritual and paranormal. Be part of the Ænigmite Crew and play “Truth or Tale”, see if you can tell the stories that are real, from those that are made up. And find out what the latest strange or paranormal is being talked about for the week as we discuss the “News of the Day”.

Tune in tonight for our LIVE broadcast. The radio link on our ListenLIVE page will update for tonight’s show as soon as we go LIVE. You will see the Listen bar change and update for tonight’s scheduled topic. This is your queue to tune in, sit back and enjoy our discussion.

To get into the chat room, scroll down below the radio Listen Bar and you’ll find our new chat room. You can join in the chat  to share your perspective on our topic or ask questions for the panel to contemplate and address.  You can also sit outside the room and simply watch the discussion. No need to sign-in if you don’t want to. Our chat room regulars are always posting pictures, sharing some laughs and even having thoughtful discussions on their own.

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Next On The Ænigma Project: Mothman

SpringOnTheRadio The Ænigma Project – Mondays 8 PM EST

Due to technical difficulties, we had to cancel the show for tonight. We’ll reschedule it for next week, Monday April 25th, 8pm eastern. We’ll rearrange our up coming shows as follows:

  • 04-25-2016 – Mothman
  • 05-02-2016 – May Free Form Show (Send in YOUR questions!)
  • 05-09-2016 – Men In Black
  • 05-16-2016 – Astrology around the World

The Ænigma Project is a discussion group focused on the realm of the supernatural, paranormal and mysterious events that sometimes take place in our lives. Through multiple view points and experiences, we seek to enlighten our listeners and elucidate that which has become hidden beneath the many layers of misunderstanding and fear.

Join Paul Cagle and his co-hosts Sushi and Springwolf as we share our research, knowledge, insight and humor of the spiritual and paranormal. Be part of the Ænigmite Crew and play “Truth or Tale”, see if you can tell the stories that are real, from those that are made up. And find out what the latest strange or paranormal is being talked about for the week as we discuss the “News of the Day”.

Tune in tonight for our LIVE broadcast. The radio link on our ListenLIVE page will update for tonight’s show as soon as we go LIVE. You will see the Listen bar change and update for tonight’s scheduled topic. This is your queue to tune in, sit back and enjoy our discussion.

To get into the chat room, scroll down below the radio Listen Bar and you’ll find our new chat room. You can join in the chat  to share your perspective on our topic or ask questions for the panel to contemplate and address.  You can also sit outside the room and simply watch the discussion. No need to sign-in if you don’t want to. Our chat room regulars are always posting pictures, sharing some laughs and even having thoughtful discussions on their own.

Continue reading

Weekly Observations For April 9th

Weekly Observations

Weekly Observations

What We Saw This Week

Some of my observations from around the social media networks. Comments I made, events I shared. Stories with some laughter and some concern. Some news stories that created annoyance with politics or moments of joy with a few good news stories too.

April 15th
Heather Sullivan NBC12
Apr 15, 2016 at 5:42am ·
TEACHERS discouraging students from pursuing a teaching career because the pay is low. What do you think about this? We’re talking about it on air in minutes

They’re telling the truth, what’s wrong with that? If you don’t like it, I suggest you start complaining to local, state and federal governments about teacher pay, the constant cuts to education, and the mishandling of educational budgets. Continue reading