Tag Archive | women

Weekly Observations For – April 23rd

Weekly Observations

Weekly Observations

What We Saw This Week

Some of my observations from around the social media networks. Comments I made, events I shared. Stories with some laughter and some concern. Some news stories that created annoyance with politics  or moments of joy with a few good news stories too.

April 29th
My FB Post:
April 29 at 2:48pm ·
Folks, I appreciate the concern about my Migraine the other day. But the 42 messages telling me how to cure migraines was not helpful. Each of you made a couple of assumptions;
1. that I told you everything about my medical condition (I didn’t and never do on social media).
2. That my brand of migraine is like your brand of migraine or like the common variations of migraines. It’s not.
Normal migraines have 3 triggers,
1. Food which can include vitamin deficiency.
2. Stress
3. Weather.
These do not affect the type of migraines I get. I’m touched that so many of you want to help. But you can stop now
. Continue reading

Weekly Observations For April 2nd

Weekly Observations

Weekly Observations

What We Saw This Week

Some of my observations from around the social media networks. Comments I made, events I shared. Stories with some laughter and some concern. Some news stories that created annoyance with politics  or moments of joy with a few good news stories too.

April 8th
April 8 2016 – 9:00 pm
“Bruce Springsteen Cancels Show in North Carolina To Protest ‘Bathroom Bill'”
The Boss just gave North Carolina the “Tenth Avenue Freeze-Out” … or maybe just a “New Jersey salute.”.

Excellent! So glad so many people are speaking up against bigotry and ignorance. Remaining quiet provides silent agreement to the hate being implemented by local and state governments. You cannot legislate bigotry and get away with it!! Continue reading

Out Of The Mouths Of Babes

Three Time NASCAR  Champion Tony Stewart

Three Time NASCAR Champion Tony Stewart

Kids Say The Darnedest Things About Tony Stewart

You know how that Old Wives Tale says women marry their Dad? Yeah..um…..

I was looking at Twitter this afternoon; Nascar has released the format of the Daytona Shootouts. I know they’re not called that anymore, but they’ll always be the Shootouts to me!

So anyway, one of the people I follow, a fellow Tony fan posted a picture she found of our favorite driver. Checking it out I discovered it was originally shared on the SHR VIP Garage. A message-board for Stewart-Haas Racing fans.

I’m looking at the picture as my 11 year old boy is walking down the stairs and looking into the reflection of my pc in the window behind me.

He says “Why are you looking at a picture of your Dad?”

“Wow. Well that’s interesting”,  I responded, “I’m not”.

The child gets to the bottom step, still looking in the window and says “Oh it’s Tony”.

I tell this to the child’s Dad in an IM who responds “Wow”.
…I like that the man and I often think the same thing and have similar responses to things. Often times, it’s more than similar; it’s exactly the same, such as this response to the boy’s comment.

But anyway..I thought it was an interesting observation from the child! Kind of insightful if that Old Wives tale is true. Which I think it is. So do I like Tony because he reminds me of my Dad? Hmm.

© 1997-2014 Springwolf, D.D., Ph.D., Springwolf's Kosmos. All Rights Reserved.
© 1997-2015 Springwolf, D.D., Ph.D., Springwolf’s Creations. All Rights Reserved.


Vote – If You Don’t “They” Win

I Voted Today – Did You?

Are you tired of the attack ads, political spin, false accusations and fear-mongering? Me too. All the money it took this election cycle to buy your vote is obscene. And that has made many Americans disenfranchised. Many wonder if their votes mean anything when they’re up against Billionaires like the Koch brothers, Donald Trump and others who have their own agenda.

The only way your vote can be bought is if you don’t vote at all. By not voting you’re allowing those Big Super Packs to court the votes of those who fall into their manipulative clutches. If you want to change things, if you want the economy to turn around, then stop allowing the corporations to vote for you and stop them from electing representatives that are going to vote for the Corporations and not for you.


© 1997-2014 Springwolf, D.D., Ph.D., Springwolf's Kosmos. All Rights Reserved.
© 1997-2014 Springwolf, D.D., Ph.D., Springwolf’s Creations. All Rights Reserved.

157.0 Million Women

Women In America

Women In America

Women In America
The number of females in the United States according to the 2010 Census is 157.0 million. The number of males was 151.8 million.
Source: Profile of General Population and Housing Characteristics: 2010

Women’s votes made the difference in the outcomes of several high-profile races that helped Democrats retain control of the U.S. Senate, according to an analysis of Edison Research exit polls conducted by the Center for American Women and Politics (CAWP) at Rutgers University.

Women in the 12 key swing states have starkly different responses from men when asked in an open-ended format to name the most important issues for their gender in the 2012 election. A plurality of female registered voters offered abortion (39%) as the most important issue for women, followed by jobs, healthcare, the economy, and equal rights. In contrast, men see jobs (38%) and the economy (37%) as the two most important issues facing men. Gallop Polling

99 female members of Congress overall, out of 535 members. That’s only 18.5% of Congress. National Women’s Political Caucus

Women still make 77 cents to a man’s dollar. 1 in 5 college women will experience sexual assault. Company’s can deny birth control coverage to women. 2/3rd of minimum wage workers are women. The U.S. is one of 3 industrialized countries with no paid maternity leave and States have passed more abortion restrictions in the last 3 years than in the 10 years before. Women are still getting fired for being pregnant. Child care can cost more than college tuition in 36 states.  And twice as many women as men over 65 live in poverty. National Women’s Law Center Continue reading