
Tony Stewart’s Plane

Dassault Falcon 50 N500TS-Tail Markings

Tony Stewart’s Dassault Falcon 50 N500TS-Tail Markings


Today my 11-year-old told me about an idea he had for us to have a plane and commute to work by air. I made mention that if we had a plane, we would be using it to fly on vacation and probably going to the races around the country. I don’t think commuting to work would get much done. Well not in the kind of plane he was talking about.

Which brought up different kinds of planes, other than commercial planes, what they’re used for and who uses them. Which of course brought me to NASCAR. Hey, it’s what I do.

If you have a favorite race car driver you know most of them have a private plane to get around the country for business. Whither they’re flying to a race, back home again or to visit with Sponsors and their staff, race car drivers do a lot of traveling. Continue reading

Big Kudos To NASCAR

LetsGoRacingNASCAR Issues A Press Release

Yesterday I tweeted a comment to NASCAR about the “Religious Freedom” act issued in Indiana.

@NASCAR Should support Equality Rights in #Indiana; pull the Indy race and go to another Road Course instead!
— SpringWolf ❦ (@SpringWolf)
March 30, 2015

One of my friends asked me if I was trying to start-up trouble. Of course I was!

Today NASCAR issued their own press release on the matter.

Statement from NASCAR on Indiana legislation
March 31, 2015, Official NASCAR release,
DAYTONA BEACH, Fla. (March 31, 2015) — “NASCAR is disappointed by the recent legislation passed in Indiana. We will not embrace nor participate in exclusion or intolerance. We are committed to diversity and inclusion within our sport and therefore will continue to welcome all competitors and fans at our events in the state of Indiana and anywhere else we race.” — NASCAR Senior Vice President and Chief Communications Officer Brett Jewkes

Way to go NASCAR! So proud to be a fan of your sport!

© 1997-2014 Springwolf, D.D., Ph.D., Springwolf's Kosmos. All Rights Reserved.
© 1997-2015 Springwolf, D.D., Ph.D., Springwolf’s Creations. All Rights Reserved.


Storytelling – Air Bubbles

Bath-tub Contemplations

Bath-tub Contemplations

Thoughts From The Tub

So I’m sitting here doing some busy work and the boy, who’s home sick, once again comes out of the bath to share something he had been contemplating while his day in tub.

Momma, do you know what a fart is?

Mom: Yes it’s flatulence.

Boy: Ok, whatever that is.
A fart is your butt cheeks applauding your digestive system.

Mom: …can’t stop laughing! Yet another “poofie poofie” moment.


© 1997-2014 Springwolf, D.D., Ph.D., Springwolf's Kosmos. All Rights Reserved.
© 1997-2015 Springwolf, D.D., Ph.D., Springwolf’s Creations. All Rights Reserved.


Red Shoulder Hawks

20150312-01 Red Shoulder Hawks by Springwolf ©2015

Red Shoulder Hawks by Springwolf ©2015

Animal Sign

Many different cultures believe when animals cross your path, they’re bringing a message to share with you. The Cherokee belief that Red Tailed and Red Shoulder Hawks are messengers of vision. When you see one of these beautiful birds, what ever it was you were thinking about at the time, is happening around you or it’s going to come true and manifest in your life.

It takes a lot of energy to flap wings and move a large body into higher flight. This is why you often see a kettle of Turkey Vultures soaring in a circle together. They are trying to catch the thermal and use the warm air for lift. Yes a flock of Vultures in flight is called a kettle. While a committee, volt, and venue of vultures refer to vultures resting in trees. A wake is reserved for a group of vultures that are feeding.

Like most large birds, Red Tail/Shoulder hawks look for these same warm updrafts to help them gain lift and rise up into the sky. While it’s common to see Vultures together like this, it’s extremely rare to see three Red Shoulder hawks flying together as they try to catch a thermal to rise up over the landscape.  This is known as a boil of hawks (two or more spiraling in flight), where as a flock of hawks is referred to as a cast, or a kettle (flying in large numbers). Continue reading

Storytelling – The Funniest Things

Olden Times KnightThinking In The Tub

So I’m sitting here trying to relax from a stressful week. Seriously stressful. I’m watching one of my favorite crime shows when the boy comes out of the bath. He’s standing behind the couch, with a towel wrapped around him, patiently waiting for a commercial to come on. Isn’t that thoughtful.

Then he starts his rambling. At first I honestly have no idea what he’s talking about. But I try to tune in.

“So I had one of those bathtubs moments and it made me think. Back in the olden times, what happened if you were in a suit of armor that was fully contained with your body.”

Ok..there are so many things that I don’t get about that sentence, but I’m imagining said suit of armor all the sudden in my head. Continue reading

Getting NASCAR Calendar Reminders

3-Time Cup Champion Tony Stewart and Danica Patrick

3-Time Cup Champion Tony Stewart and Danica Patrick
2015 Daytona 500 Speed Week

Add The Schedule To YOUR Calendar

NASCAR has made it easy for you to never miss a race in 2015! That’s right, you can now add race events to your Google, Apple or Outlook calendars complete with a preset 15 minute reminder.

Personally I don’t think 15 minutes is long enough to get ready for a race, but ok. You can edit the events and add an earlier reminder once it’s in your calendar.

So how do you do that? NASCAR hooked up with CalReply, a Calendaring platform that enables TV networks, pro-sporting leagues and businesses to enable fans and viewers to subscribe to event schedules via their mobile calendars. Continue reading

Samsung S5 Screen Shots

Samsung S5

Samsung S5

The Easier Screen Capture Method

I’m still in love with my phone. Yeah it’s a phone but it’s also a life line. Especially when you’re getting old like me. I don’t remember things like I used to and I love that my Samsung S5 cell phone can help me with that.

I have alarms set for several reminders throughout the day. I have notifications set for meetings and appointments in my calendar. I have notifications for important local news events or warnings for weather and traffic.

Then there’s the other app notifications for information and news I like to follow, especially for my favorite pastime; NASCAR Racing and my favorite driver Tony Stewart. All important stuff in my day!

And then there’s the social media connections, FB, Pinterest, Twitter and text messages all to keep up with. The Man and I met online in an AOL Chat room. We’re a little sentimental about AOL and still use AIM as a consequence.

All these things keep me on schedule, informed and connected to family and friends. So every now and then I want to take a screen shot of what I’m looking at for a variety of reasons. Sometimes it could be simply to mark a moment in time, a goal or achievement, maybe a milestone that has been attained. It depends on the app, because not all apps provide a “Share” feature and there times you want to share the information. Continue reading

What Is It About Snow

The Snow Drive by Springwolf © 2010

The Snow Drive by Springwolf © 2010

Snow Smiles

Snow purifies the landscape with white glistening flakes.
Snow calms the world and welcomes the quiet from its cold blanket.
Snow illuminates the darkness of night and brightens the gloom of the day.
Snow beacons the children of all ages to the nearest hills for sledding and fun.
Snow brings friends together to fashion the years first snowman or woman.
Snow invites the challenge of snow ball fights from home-built forts and hand carved ammunition.
Snow shares a smile as a new puppy or kitten touch the white flakes for the very first time.
Snow captures the wonder of discovery as each person young and old who have never seen it before.
What is it about snow you ask?
Snow is winters reminder to smile and laugh. To appreciate the beauty of all our seasons. Both warm and cold.


© 1997-2014 Springwolf, D.D., Ph.D., Springwolf's Kosmos. All Rights Reserved.
© 1997-2015 Springwolf, D.D., Ph.D., Springwolf’s Creations. All Rights Reserved.


Out Of The Mouths Of Babes

Three Time NASCAR  Champion Tony Stewart

Three Time NASCAR Champion Tony Stewart

Kids Say The Darnedest Things About Tony Stewart

You know how that Old Wives Tale says women marry their Dad?…..

I was looking at Twitter this afternoon; Nascar has released the format of the Daytona Shootouts. I know they’re not called that anymore, but they’ll always be the Shootouts to me!

So anyway, one of the people I follow, a fellow Tony fan posted a picture she found of our favorite driver. Checking it out I discovered it was originally shared on the SHR VIP Garage. A message-board for Stewart-Haas Racing fans.

I’m looking at the picture as my 11 year old boy is walking down the stairs and looking into the reflection of my pc in the window behind me.

He says “Why are you looking at a picture of your Dad?”

“Wow. Well that’s interesting”,  I responded, “I’m not”.

The child gets to the bottom step, still looking in the window and says “Oh it’s Tony”.

I tell this to the child’s Dad in an IM who responds “Wow”.
…I like that the man and I often think the same thing and have similar responses to things. Often times, it’s more than similar; it’s exactly the same, such as this response to the boy’s comment.

But anyway..I thought it was an interesting observation from the child! Kind of insightful if that Old Wives tale is true. Which I think it is. So do I like Tony because he reminds me of my Dad? Hmm.

© 1997-2014 Springwolf, D.D., Ph.D., Springwolf's Kosmos. All Rights Reserved.
© 1997-2015 Springwolf, D.D., Ph.D., Springwolf’s Creations. All Rights Reserved.


Balloon Dressage

Yeehaa! Giddy Up!

Yeehaa! Giddy Up!

You Can’t Embarrass My Man

And We have proof.

In 2007 we took the Man to the local Texas Roadhouse for his birthday dinner. It happened to be “Kids Night” and as usual, the Balloon Maker was there. He’s really a great artist!

On this particular night we had been talking about how difficult it is to embarrass the Daddy person. The Balloon Maker thought he had a solution. And he was pretty confident, he could get a hesitation and red face from this self-proclaimed “Red neck”.

It didn’t take long for him to make one of the most elaborate and beautiful balloon animals I’ve ever seen! A Horse, complete with reigns and ready to ride through the restaurant. Little did he know… Continue reading