Tag Archive | springwolf

Congratulations Kevin Harvick 2014 NASCAR Champion

(Photo: Andrew Weber, USA TODAY Sports)

Kevin Harvick Celebrates 2014 Championship Win
(Photo: Andrew Weber, USA TODAY Sports)

Kevin Harvick Wins The Title

Tonight was the night. NASCAR’s premier series ran its final race of the season. Four teams, four crews and four drivers fighting against each other to take that final flag and win the title.

From a race fan, it wasn’t a greatly exciting race at first. Our favorites moved their way up front in the first 30laps and seemed to be in for a decent day. Biding their time, riding the race near the front and waiting for Go Time. Which was over 100 laps away.

We kept our eye on our favorite series drivers too. Even though they weren’t in the Chase there were reasons to cheer them on to a win. In my case, that mean hoping Tony Stewart could pull out a win on this final race of the season in order to keep his 15 consecutive seasons with at least 1 win, alive. Sadly, it wasn’t to be. A very ill handling car dropped Smoke to the back of the field and one lap down. Eventually it was time to let it go. He was facing going down another lap, the car was falling apart and there more happy events to take in at the end of this race.

Namely, cheering on his driver of the #4 Budweiser Chevy, Kevin Harvick. If Kevin could win, it’s another Championship for Stewart-Haas Racing. But it’s Kevin’s first Championship in the Sprint Cup Series. Continue reading

Next On The Ænigma Project – Nov. 17th Postponed

SpringOnTheRadioThe Ænigma Project – Mondays 9 PM EST

The Ænigma Project LIVE talk radio! Stop by and listen awhile as our hosts talk about the realm of the supernatural, paranormal and share mysterious events that take place in our lives everyday. Learn a little, laugh a lot, be intrigued and maybe even get a little scared. We look beyond the surface of the news at what’s hidden beneath layers of misunderstandings, misconceptions and even some of the fear propagated in our society today.

Join Paul Cagle and his co-hosts Sushi and Springwolf as we share our research, knowledge, insight and humor of the spiritual and paranormal.


Our Monday night show for November 17th has been postponed. Sorry for the inconvenience everyone. Life happens sometimes and changes even the best laid out schedules.

Our Up Coming Shows:

November 24 – Thanksgiving Break
December 1 – The Monthly Free Form Show
December 8 – Transplanting The Human Soul
December 15 – Tesla Spirit Radio
December 22 – The Winter Solstice – History and Tradition
December 29 – The Haunted Library, Crypt and Marsh of Dublin
January 5 – The Monthly Free Form Show
January 12 – The Witches Castle – A Haunting in Salzburg, Austria
January 19 – The Exorcism of Carl Lawson

Where & How To Tune In: Continue reading

We Honor Veterans Day 2014

Thank You For Your Service

To all veterans Past, Present and Future.
From far away, to here at home.
On active duty or duty served.
We honor your courage and sacrifice.
We extend our gratitude for your commitment.
As we share our thanks for the freedom you have protected.
~ Springwolf  Spring's Tradmark Tiny Paws  © 2014


© 1997-2014 Springwolf, D.D., Ph.D., Springwolf's Kosmos. All Rights Reserved.
© 1997-2014 Springwolf, D.D., Ph.D., Springwolf’s Creations. All Rights Reserved.


Next On The Ænigma Project: – The Modern Return of Jesus Christ

SpringOnTheRadioThe Ænigma Project – Mondays 9 PM EST

The Ænigma Project LIVE talk radio! Stop by and listen awhile as our hosts talk about the realm of the supernatural, paranormal and share mysterious events that take place in our lives everyday. Learn a little, laugh a lot, be intrigued and maybe even get a little scared. We look beyond the surface of the news at what’s hidden beneath layers of misunderstandings, misconceptions and even some of the fear propagated in our society today.

Join Paul Cagle and his co-hosts Sushi and Springwolf as we share our research, knowledge, insight and humor of the spiritual and paranormal.

Be part of our Ænigmite Crew and play “Truth or Tale”, can you tell which stories are real or which are made up? And find out what the latest strange or unusual news item is being talked about for the week as we discuss the “News of the Day”.

You can join in the chat room to share your own perspective, ask questions for the hosts to contemplate and address. Or simply listen to the show LIVE! You can now listen and chat on ANY page. For the web address you only need to go to www.tenacityradio.com.

This week on The Ænigma Project: Continue reading

November’s Full Moon 2014

Life On The Lake

On our way out of the neighborhood we must drive across the dam road. No not that kind of dam. The dam that was built to create the beautiful 300 acre lake we live on. There are no natural lakes in the Commonwealth of Virginia. They’re all man-made, but that doesn’t take anything away from their beauty.

We head out early during the week days. And this morning we were greeted with an early view of the Hunter’s Moon. November’s Full Moon had just started to set behind the trees in the west, when the cool morning was breaking into fall colors as the Sun brightened the sky from the east.

A special moment when the Sun can love the Moon and kiss the sky with their embrace.

11.07.2014 Hunter's Moon by Springwolf © 11.2014

11.07.2014 Hunter’s Moon by Springwolf © 11.2014

Read more about the full Moon on Springwolf Reflections:

© 1997-2014 Springwolf, D.D., Ph.D., Springwolf Creations. All Rights Reserved.
© 1997-2014 Springwolf, D.D., Ph.D., Springwolf’s Creations. All Rights Reserved.

Vote – If You Don’t “They” Win

I Voted Today – Did You?

Are you tired of the attack ads, political spin, false accusations and fear-mongering? Me too. All the money it took this election cycle to buy your vote is obscene. And that has made many Americans disenfranchised. Many wonder if their votes mean anything when they’re up against Billionaires like the Koch brothers, Donald Trump and others who have their own agenda.

The only way your vote can be bought is if you don’t vote at all. By not voting you’re allowing those Big Super Packs to court the votes of those who fall into their manipulative clutches. If you want to change things, if you want the economy to turn around, then stop allowing the corporations to vote for you and stop them from electing representatives that are going to vote for the Corporations and not for you.


© 1997-2014 Springwolf, D.D., Ph.D., Springwolf's Kosmos. All Rights Reserved.
© 1997-2014 Springwolf, D.D., Ph.D., Springwolf’s Creations. All Rights Reserved.

Is Halloween Pagan?


Happy Halloween ~ Tony Stewart Pumpkin

Well, Ask A Pagan!

There are three holidays occurring at the same time on October 31st. Two are religious and one has nothing at all to do with religion or spirituality.

At sunset on October 31st, Pagans celebrate a holiday known as Samhain (Summer’s End). The holiday lasts through the night until sunset on November 1st. Early Pagans followed a lunar calendar, much like the people of Judaism. Worship and observances begin at sunset even today.

That tradition of sunset celebrations is the influence of the Christian celebration of All Hallow’s Eve. The evening prior to the Catholic holiday of All Saints Day. The other religious holiday at this time. In the effort to convert Celtic Pagans to Christianity, All Saints day didn’t quite make it. Pagans who converted to Christianity, still went the even celebrations on the evening before November 1st.

In order to attract more Pagans to church, the Catholic Church, established All Hallow’s Eve to take place at sunset, the evening prior to the reverent holiday that honors the Saints. All Hallow’s Eve is the real precursor to modern Halloween.

It takes several centuries for All Hallow’s Eve to evolve into a type of Halloween we know today. But even though the celebration slowly travels through Europe, it’s still not what we see today. Each culture developed its own traditions, implements some of its own legend and lore into those traditions and the holiday spreads into something it wasn’t intended to be, even in those early centuries.

Those October 31st celebrations came to America as early as the 1800s. As Europeans migrate to the new land, they bring their traditions, legends and lore. Those begin to evolve again as they interact with each other. Mixing stories from that Germanic region with that French region and even more traditions from England, Ireland and so on. Continue reading

A Halloween Ghost Story

Pumpkin TalesThe Ghouls and Goblins Of Halloween

Twas the night of Ghosts, Goblins and Spooks. The night hidden in shadow beneath the watchful moon. When the Good Folk of the Shire below have placed Jack-o-Lanterns on their porches, door stops and steps to ward of the spirits of the night. They dress up in costume to fool the ghouls to hide their presence along their travels in the darkness.

But the mischievous spirits of the night knock on doors and demand their treats or tricks they’ll play all over the street. While the Good Folk shiver and shake by the hearth inside, afraid to go out or take a peak outside. Lighting candles and praying the evil passes them by.

But fear not, my fellow folk, for the good Fairies are afoot this eve. Flitting here and there, sharing their light throughout the peaceful shire. Casting their magikal dust over the tiny homes and the malicious ghouls who haunt the land throughout the night.

As the warm rays of light rise up over the horizons, and chase the goblins from the shadows of the night. The Good Folk throw open the shutters and unlock their doors to the light of day. They celebrate with excitement and with offerings of fruit and breads. They share their platters with the wee folk of plant and forest. “Blessings and thanks we send to thee, our Fairy folk of flower and tree!”
~ Springwolf  © 2014

Merry Samhain or Happy Halloween  as the case maybe!

© 1997-2014 Springwolf, D.D., Ph.D., Springwolf's Kosmos. All Rights Reserved.
© 1997-2014 Springwolf, D.D., Ph.D., Springwolf’s Creations. All Rights Reserved.


Tonight On The Ænigma Project: Halloween Ghost Stories

SpringOnTheRadioThe Ænigma Project – Mondays 9 PM EST

The Ænigma Project LIVE talk radio! Stop by and listen awhile as our hosts talk about the realm of the supernatural, paranormal and share mysterious events that take place in our lives everyday. Learn a little, laugh a lot, be intrigued and maybe even get a little scared. We look beyond the surface of the news at what’s hidden beneath layers of misunderstandings, misconceptions and even some of the fear propagated in our society today.

Join Paul Cagle and his co-hosts Sushi and Springwolf as we share our research, knowledge, insight and humor of the spiritual and paranormal.

Be part of our Ænigmite Crew and play “Truth or Tale”, can you tell which stories are real or which are made up? And find out what the latest strange or unusual news item is being talked about for the week as we discuss the “News of the Day”.

You can join in the chat room to share your own perspective, ask questions for the hosts to contemplate and address. Or simply listen to the show LIVE! You can now listen and chat on ANY page. For the web address you only need to go to www.tenacityradio.com.

This week on The Ænigma Project: Continue reading

Animal Sign

20150326-03When Animals Cross Your Path

Everyone has had an experience where an animal has crossed our path in the physical world and we wondered if it means something. How many times have you asked, or been asked, wonder what that wolf, deer, squirrel is trying to tell me?

Nearly all Shamanistic societies believe animals in the physical and spiritual worlds come to us for our own good to deliver messages.

When animals cross our path in the physical world they maybe bringing a warning or a message as guidance. They’re a “here in the now” kind of message that impacts our physical world.

But depending on the animal, they can cross their influence of meaning between the physical and spiritual worlds. Perhaps we’re not being as perceptive as we should be or we maybe we need to pay attention to a message from spirit that affects our physical choices. Listening to our gut feelings is an important part of living in balance and nature is all about balance. Continue reading