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November’s Full Moon 2014

Life On The Lake

On our way out of the neighborhood we must drive across the dam road. No not that kind of dam. The dam that was built to create the beautiful 300 acre lake we live on. There are no natural lakes in the Commonwealth of Virginia. They’re all man-made, but that doesn’t take anything away from their beauty.

We head out early during the week days. And this morning we were greeted with an early view of the Hunter’s Moon. November’s Full Moon had just started to set behind the trees in the west, when the cool morning was breaking into fall colors as the Sun brightened the sky from the east.

A special moment when the Sun can love the Moon and kiss the sky with their embrace.

11.07.2014 Hunter's Moon by Springwolf © 11.2014

11.07.2014 Hunter’s Moon by Springwolf © 11.2014

Read more about the full Moon on Springwolf Reflections:

© 1997-2014 Springwolf, D.D., Ph.D., Springwolf Creations. All Rights Reserved.
© 1997-2014 Springwolf, D.D., Ph.D., Springwolf’s Creations. All Rights Reserved.