Tag Archive | don’t

SSL Blog Conversion Issues

Media Library Grid View – Images Not Showing

So Frustrated!

This isn’t a short post!
But I’m at the end of my frustration and I need help.

I finally had a chance to convert all of our family blogs to SSL about 2 weeks ago. Thanks to the WordPress Forums I was able to solve 90% of the issues I had after converting the first blog. So thanks to those folks for all that.

The first issue was losing images on all the posts.
Someone recommended installing the SSL Insecure Content Fixer plugin to fix that problem. Once I did that, they still weren’t showing. Then I found someone else with the same problem and someone said it might take a day or two for the propagation of the images to show up. So I was patient and now all that works on all our blogs. Yeah!

But…I’m having 2 more issues. And they’re both specific to this blog only.
If you go to https://springwolf.com, you’ll see my header graphic on the page.
If you go to https://springwolf.com, the image won’t load. Continue reading

Don’t Just “Like”, Take Action!

Take Action To Save Endangered Species!

Take Action To Save Endangered Species!

Save The Wolves!

In a decision dated December 19, 2014, U.S. District Judge Howell ruled that federal threatened status be restored to wolves in Minnesota and endangered status to wolves in Michigan,null  Wisconsin and parts of North Dakota, South Dakota, Iowa, Illinois, Indiana and Ohio.

The court ruled that the US Fish & Wildlife Service cannot designate the Great Lakes wolves as a Distinct Population, for the purpose of de-listing them.  Wolves in the Great Lakes Region were de-listed January 2012 giving the states the authority to oversee wolf management.

Since that time, more than 1,500 Great Lakes wolves have been killed through recreational hunting and trapping  resulting in a substantial reduction in wolf populations.  This added human caused mortality constitutes a threat to the species.  Scientific research shows that wolf populations self-regulate and hunting is not necessary to manage wolves.

Wolves are essential to a healthy eco-system. This has been proven by the re-introduction of wolves in Yellowstone National Park. Nothing shows this better than a National Geographic documentary entitled “How Wolves Change Rivers“. Continue reading

Don’t Settle For Less

3d-heartI saw a tweet tonight that caught my attention:

@IggyAzzaIea (Not the real Iggy Azalea)
10:01 PM – 20 Dec 2014
You deserve someone who knows how to make things up to you after hurting you. Not someone who is very good with just the word, “sorry.”

My first thought/response was screw that! Continue reading