Tag Archive | springwolf

Monday On The Ænigma Project: The Orpheum Theater Investigation

SpringOnTheRadioThe Ænigma Project – Mondays 9 PM EST

The Ænigma Project LIVE talk radio! Stop by and listen awhile as our hosts talk about the realm of the supernatural, paranormal and share mysterious events that take place in our lives everyday. Learn a little, laugh a lot, be intrigued and maybe even get a little scared. We look beyond the surface of the news at what’s hidden beneath layers of misunderstandings, misconceptions and even some of the fear propagated in our society today.

Join Paul Cagle and his co-hosts Sushi and Springwolf as we share our research, knowledge, insight and humor of the spiritual and paranormal.

Be part of our Ænigmite Crew and play “Truth or Tale”, can you tell which stories are real or which are made up? And find out what the latest strange or unusual news item is being talked about for the week as we discuss the “News of the Day”.

You can join in the chat room to share your own perspective, ask questions for the hosts to contemplate and address. Or simply listen to the show LIVE! You can now listen and chat on ANY page. For the web address you only need to go to www.tenacityradio.com.

This week on The Ænigma Project: Continue reading

Tonight On The Ænigma Project: Slender Man and Shadow People

SpringOnTheRadioThe Ænigma Project – Mondays 9 PM EST

The Ænigma Project LIVE talk radio! Stop by and listen awhile as our hosts talk about the realm of the supernatural, paranormal and share mysterious events that take place in our lives everyday. Learn a little, laugh a lot, be intrigued and maybe even get a little scared. We look beyond the surface of the news at what’s hidden beneath layers of misunderstandings, misconceptions and even some of the fear propagated in our society today.

Join Paul Cagle and his co-hosts Sushi and Springwolf as we share our research, knowledge, insight and humor of the spiritual and paranormal.

Be part of our Ænigmite Crew and play “Truth or Tale”, can you tell which stories are real or which are made up? And find out what the latest strange or unusual news item is being talked about for the week as we discuss the “News of the Day”.

You can join in the chat room to share your own perspective, ask questions for the hosts to contemplate and address. Or simply listen to the show LIVE! You can now listen and chat on ANY page. For the web address you only need to go to www.tenacityradio.com.

This week on The Ænigma Project: Continue reading

Out Of The Mouths Of Babes

Three Time NASCAR  Champion Tony Stewart

Three Time NASCAR Champion Tony Stewart

Kids Say The Darnedest Things About Tony Stewart

You know how that Old Wives Tale says women marry their Dad? Yeah..um…..

I was looking at Twitter this afternoon; Nascar has released the format of the Daytona Shootouts. I know they’re not called that anymore, but they’ll always be the Shootouts to me!

So anyway, one of the people I follow, a fellow Tony fan posted a picture she found of our favorite driver. Checking it out I discovered it was originally shared on the SHR VIP Garage. A message-board for Stewart-Haas Racing fans.

I’m looking at the picture as my 11 year old boy is walking down the stairs and looking into the reflection of my pc in the window behind me.

He says “Why are you looking at a picture of your Dad?”

“Wow. Well that’s interesting”,  I responded, “I’m not”.

The child gets to the bottom step, still looking in the window and says “Oh it’s Tony”.

I tell this to the child’s Dad in an IM who responds “Wow”.
…I like that the man and I often think the same thing and have similar responses to things. Often times, it’s more than similar; it’s exactly the same, such as this response to the boy’s comment.

But anyway..I thought it was an interesting observation from the child! Kind of insightful if that Old Wives tale is true. Which I think it is. So do I like Tony because he reminds me of my Dad? Hmm.

© 1997-2014 Springwolf, D.D., Ph.D., Springwolf's Kosmos. All Rights Reserved.
© 1997-2015 Springwolf, D.D., Ph.D., Springwolf’s Creations. All Rights Reserved.


Hot Toddy Cold Remedies

GrandMa Great's Hot Toddy Cold Remedy

GrandMa Great’s Hot Toddy Cold Remedy

Old Wives Tales

Old wives’ tale is an epithet used to indicate that a supposed truth is actually a superstition or something untrue, to be ridiculed. It can be said sometimes to be a type of urban legend, said to be passed down by older women to a younger generation. Such “tales” are considered superstition, folklore or unverified claims with exaggerated and/or inaccurate details. Today, some “old wives’ tales” have proven to be valid. Old wives’ tales often center on women’s traditional concerns, such as pregnancy, puberty, social relations, health, herbalism and nutrition.” ~ Wikipedia ‘Old Wives Tales‘.

Sometimes there’s a reason a story from the past was created and passed down through the ages. Because it was true, it worked or it was valid then as it is today. Our modern scientific society isn’t always right and in the know about everything. When we ridicule something from the past as ridiculous, we’re doing not only the ways of old a disservice, but ourselves too. Continue reading

Internet Drama

webThreats and Evidence

During the night I received a strange Twitter notification. Seems someone is accusing me of stealing content from their site. Say what?

It was rather early in the middle of the night and I couldn’t sleep. Like the techno-geek I am, I grabbed my phone and shared a message on FB about killing my cats who were the cause of my not sleeping! Still feeling a bit frustrated, I then checked my recent Twitter feed and discovered, I along with others were being accused of theft.

Confused and somewhat groggy, I simply responded “Say What? I don’t even know who you are”. I started up my SleepyTime app, turned on the ocean sounds and tried to go back to sleep by ignoring the blasted cats. Thankfully, I did. Continue reading

Tonight On The Ænigma Project: February Free Form Show

SpringOnTheRadioThe Ænigma Project – Mondays 9 PM EST

The Ænigma Project LIVE talk radio! Stop by and listen awhile as our hosts talk about the realm of the supernatural, paranormal and share mysterious events that take place in our lives everyday. Learn a little, laugh a lot, be intrigued and maybe even get a little scared. We look beyond the surface of the news at what’s hidden beneath layers of misunderstandings, misconceptions and even some of the fear propagated in our society today.

Join Paul Cagle and his co-hosts Sushi and Springwolf as we share our research, knowledge, insight and humor of the spiritual and paranormal.

Be part of our Ænigmite Crew and play “Truth or Tale”, can you tell which stories are real or which are made up? And find out what the latest strange or unusual news item is being talked about for the week as we discuss the “News of the Day”.

You can join in the chat room to share your own perspective, ask questions for the hosts to contemplate and address. Or simply listen to the show LIVE! You can now listen and chat on ANY page. For the web address you only need to go to www.tenacityradio.com.

This week on The Ænigma Project: Continue reading

Don’t Just “Like”, Take Action!

Take Action To Save Endangered Species!

Take Action To Save Endangered Species!

Save The Wolves!

In a decision dated December 19, 2014, U.S. District Judge Howell ruled that federal threatened status be restored to wolves in Minnesota and endangered status to wolves in Michigan,null  Wisconsin and parts of North Dakota, South Dakota, Iowa, Illinois, Indiana and Ohio.

The court ruled that the US Fish & Wildlife Service cannot designate the Great Lakes wolves as a Distinct Population, for the purpose of de-listing them.  Wolves in the Great Lakes Region were de-listed January 2012 giving the states the authority to oversee wolf management.

Since that time, more than 1,500 Great Lakes wolves have been killed through recreational hunting and trapping  resulting in a substantial reduction in wolf populations.  This added human caused mortality constitutes a threat to the species.  Scientific research shows that wolf populations self-regulate and hunting is not necessary to manage wolves.

Wolves are essential to a healthy eco-system. This has been proven by the re-introduction of wolves in Yellowstone National Park. Nothing shows this better than a National Geographic documentary entitled “How Wolves Change Rivers“. Continue reading

Balloon Dressage

Yeehaa! Giddy Up!

Yeehaa! Giddy Up!

You Can’t Embarrass My Man

And We have proof.

In 2007 we took the Man to the local Texas Roadhouse for his birthday dinner. It happened to be “Kids Night” and as usual, the Balloon Maker was there. He’s really a great artist!

On this particular night we had been talking about how difficult it is to embarrass the Daddy person. The Balloon Maker thought he had a solution. And he was pretty confident, he could get a hesitation and red face from this self-proclaimed “Red neck”.

It didn’t take long for him to make one of the most elaborate and beautiful balloon animals I’ve ever seen! A Horse, complete with reigns and ready to ride through the restaurant. Little did he know… Continue reading

Tonight On The Ænigma Project: The Witches Castle

SpringOnTheRadioThe Ænigma Project – Mondays 9 PM EST

The Ænigma Project LIVE talk radio! Stop by and listen awhile as our hosts talk about the realm of the supernatural, paranormal and share mysterious events that take place in our lives everyday. Learn a little, laugh a lot, be intrigued and maybe even get a little scared. We look beyond the surface of the news at what’s hidden beneath layers of misunderstandings, misconceptions and even some of the fear propagated in our society today.

Join Paul Cagle and his co-hosts Sushi and Springwolf as we share our research, knowledge, insight and humor of the spiritual and paranormal.

Be part of our Ænigmite Crew and play “Truth or Tale”, can you tell which stories are real or which are made up? And find out what the latest strange or unusual news item is being talked about for the week as we discuss the “News of the Day”.

You can join in the chat room to share your own perspective, ask questions for the hosts to contemplate and address. Or simply listen to the show LIVE! You can now listen and chat on ANY page. For the web address you only need to go to www.tenacityradio.com.

This week on The Ænigma Project: Continue reading

A Message From Tony Stewart

Smoke Is On Twitter

Yesterday, January 10th, 2015, Tony Stewart shared a message on Twitter to his fans!

Fan merchandise can be found all over the internet. No matter who you support or cheer for, do a little research to make sure the vendor you’re buying from is on the up and up.

© 1997-2014 Springwolf, D.D., Ph.D., Springwolf's Kosmos. All Rights Reserved.
© 1997-2015 Springwolf, D.D., Ph.D., Springwolf’s Creations. All Rights Reserved.