Tag Archive | slow cook

Recipes: Slow Cooked Chili

Vickie’s Slow Cooked Chili

This recipe is much like my Dad’s Stove Top Chili, with a few tweaks, we add Jack Daniels Honey to ours. And I don’t add beans to this recipe. You certainly can add your favorites to this mix. But no thanks. 😉

As with the Stove Top Chili, the trick to good chili is the meat. You can use chicken or beef with this recipe. But if you use beef, make it a good quality ground beef.

Back in the early 2000s, Gary and I tried Bison with this recipe and it was extraordinarily fabulous. I highly suggest using it for any of your home cooked beef ground meals!

Also: You might like to try the Stove Top Chili recipe as well. It’s different from this one.

Preparation Time: 20 minutes
Cook Time: 6.5 hours – Crock pot Recipe
Serves: 12+ Continue reading