Tag Archive | land

Hidden Hollow Controversy

Front Entry Way

Hidden Hollow

Well Not Really ~ Facts vs Hysteria

Today someone left a comment on my post about Tony Stewart’s Log Home in Indiana known as Hidden Hollow. The comment was not only misguided, but misinformed, filled with errors and it truly irritated me.

Haters are going to find any thing they can to vilify a person. But I’m sorry folks, this is my blog and I control what gets said here. B.S. and negativity have no place in my world and your comment was deleted. But I will indulge the general concept of your comment and respond to your misconceptions with research and facts to address your hysteria.

The comment was about the tall fence around Tony’s 414 acre estate and the implication that the sole reason for its existence is to restrict the deer on his property from escaping. The reason according to the commenter? So Tony can organize private hunts on the estate for himself and his friends. Say what? Continue reading

Morning Dew

The Faery Festival

Once a upon a time, the Faeries of Bellaruesk planned a summer faery art festival in the deep hollow of the woods. To protect their celebration from Mother Nature, they asked the forest spiders to build a canopy over their meadow. The spiders worked through the night and weaved a beautiful fine web over the entire village. As the sun rose between the trees, the warm rays sparkled and danced upon the Morning Dew. The tiny droplets transformed the early light of dawn into brilliant colorful beams beneath the woven web, turning the Faery land into lovely rainbows sent from above.

~ Springwolf © 2014

Фотограф: Вадим Кондратьев. Photographer: Vadim Kondratyev.

Фотограф: Вадим Кондратьев ~ Photographer: Vadim Kondratyev

© 1997-2014 Springwolf, D.D., Ph.D., Springwolf's Kosmos. All Rights Reserved.
© 1997-2014 Springwolf, D.D., Ph.D., Springwolf’s Kosmos. All Rights Reserved.