Tag Archive | backgrounds

Vintage Android Backgrounds

Koi by Kittehface

Setting Your Favorite Old Live Wallpaper

When I bought my first cell phone, it was a simple Nextel flip phone. I can’t even think about how long ago that was. 1997, 98 maybe. A lot has changed since those “olden days”, as my son calls them. Mostly the changes have been really cool things and even us old folks can’t imagine life without a Smart Phone.

A few not so good things have happened to the technology too. No I’m not talking about the social and personal aspects. I’m talking about updates, upgrades, leaving some of our favorite apps in the dust, causing us to look for an acceptable replacement. And often being frustrated because we can’t find that exact match, especially for those of us who don’t like change.

The only constant in the Universe,
is that Things Change. Never give up.
~ Springwolf ? © 1990

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HTML 102 – Setting Backgrounds

bgconstructionPersonal vs Business

Backgrounds can be a wonderful way to spruce up a personal web page or create a specific look for a business. Backgrounds can be solid colors or graphics.

Graphics can be used in three different ways.

  1. Tiled Graphics – Vertical and Horizontal
    Small graphics can be used to set a common background that is tiled across the screen both vertically or horizontally. The width and height of these graphics are often small, but they can be any size. They’re usually smaller than 1366 wide x 768 high.
  2. Tiled Graphics – Vertical
    A wide graphic can be used that defines a common width, but is tiled vertically. The typical width of these graphics are 1366 wide, but the height can vary.
  3. Anchored Graphics
    A full size background image can be used to fill up the entire screen, and allows the text and graphics on your page to scroll over that image. This is a common practice for blogs, but there are many websites who use this method as well. The typical size for these graphics are 1366×768. Continue reading