Tag Archive | almanac

Weekly Observations For April 2nd

Weekly Observations

Weekly Observations

What We Saw This Week

Some of my observations from around the social media networks. Comments I made, events I shared. Stories with some laughter and some concern. Some news stories that created annoyance with politics  or moments of joy with a few good news stories too.

April 8th
April 8 2016 – 9:00 pm
“Bruce Springsteen Cancels Show in North Carolina To Protest ‘Bathroom Bill'”
The Boss just gave North Carolina the “Tenth Avenue Freeze-Out” … or maybe just a “New Jersey salute.”.

Excellent! So glad so many people are speaking up against bigotry and ignorance. Remaining quiet provides silent agreement to the hate being implemented by local and state governments. You cannot legislate bigotry and get away with it!! Continue reading