It’s war!
Celebrating The Win At Sonoma
June 28, 2016
Tony begins his Periscope shares and then hands his phone off. Our PR rep for the evening is Megan Droud, Rico Abreu’s girlfriend. She explains who our teams are for the evening.
The young guns driver Rico Abreu, his crew guy Trevor and Tanner Thorson his teammate from Keith Kunz Motorsports.
The old guys Tony, Keith Kunz and crew guy Big Al.
On June 26, 2016 Tony Stewart won at Sonoma, California. It’s his first win of the season and comes after an 84 race dry spell. It was a popular win among a variety of fans, other drivers, crews and even folks from other racing series. After his media obligations at the track, Tony went to his Hidden Hollow Home in Indiana. On Monday, Rico Abreu tweeted about having lunch with Smoke and some of their friends.
Rico Abreu (@Rico_Abreu)
June 27, 2016
Feeling honored to be having lunch with 3 legends pic.twitter.com/d0VXW2fDlV
But the real celebration for the win, happened on Monday Night and involved A LOT of fireworks. Tony shared three Periscope shows to share with his fans and anyone else who wanted to watch. For those that can’t watch the Scopes, here’s a quick run down of the evening. The Scopes full versions of the Scopes are at the bottom of this page.
![]() Round 1 Ammo The Fireworks Wars
Keith Kunz also shared a few Periscopes of the afternoon. Starting at the fireworks store. In his first Scope, we were treated to a view of at least two pick-up trucks packed full of fireworks. From Tony’s 1st scope we can see some packages have already been removed from Tony’s Chevy. . In another one of Keith’s Scopes a viewer asks how much they spent on the evening’s preparations. Tony answers about $3,400, but they also received a discount because they were buying out the store. ![]() The Evening Supply This still from Tony’s Scope gives you an idea of the magnitude of their plan for the evening. Off to the side Tony and I think that’s Trevor compare battle wounds from the 1st Round of battle. And yes there’s blood, burns and owies. |
![]() Oh The Carnage . . . One of the marks of carnage for Tony. This came in round 2 from the Fire Balls. . . Sadly many of the race shirts worn this evening were marred from battle. I’m guessing those will be become prized trophies for future bragging rights. Well, that’s what I’d do with them anyway. |
![]() Round 2 |
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![]() The Big Show . . After the Fireworks war, the guys wired up the remaining boxes for the Big Show. Tony was running out of phone battery, so he didn’t share that. But Keith picked up the adventure and we were able to watch the guys wiring the cord between boxes along the Dam Road. |
![]() The Fun Continues . But the carnage wasn’t over. Rico’s inner pyromaniac wouldn’t let go yet. |
Let the carnage commence. These are the three Periscopes Tony shared that night. Keep in mind this is at night and there’s not a lot of light up on the mountain of Hidden Hollow. Even if you’re looking at a dark image, you’ll be able to hear the participants yelling ow along with many expletives and the spectators talking, laughing and cheering on the warriors. This is the first Scope Tony called “Fireworks Wars”. It contains all three rounds of the War. The check up on wounds incurred and the laughter that ensued throughout the night. I have to admit, I LOVE Tony’s laugh. It’s infectious! |
The second Scope Tony called “Fireworks”. This is the Big Show of the evening. It was spectacular. I love fireworks. |
The final Scope Tony called “The Carnage Continues” Most of this Scope shares Rico’s final moments of fire and explosion. My favorite part of this one are the nicknames Rico picks up. Happy Feet dancer. |
A big thanks to Tony for sharing his joy, fun and friends with us all to celebrate our favorite racers win!
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- NASCAR & Racing ~ My Racing Musings (with more on Tony)
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