
Internet Drama

webThreats and Evidence

During the night I received a strange Twitter notification. Seems someone is accusing me of stealing content from their site. Say what?

It was rather early in the middle of the night and I couldn’t sleep. Like the techno-geek I am, I grabbed my phone and shared a message on FB about killing my cats who were the cause of my not sleeping! Still feeling a bit frustrated, I then checked my recent Twitter feed and discovered, I along with others were being accused of theft.

Confused and somewhat groggy, I simply responded “Say What? I don’t even know who you are”. I started up my SleepyTime app, turned on the ocean sounds and tried to go back to sleep by ignoring the blasted cats. Thankfully, I did. Continue reading

Tonight On The Ænigma Project: February Free Form Show

SpringOnTheRadioThe Ænigma Project – Mondays 9 PM EST

The Ænigma Project LIVE talk radio! Stop by and listen awhile as our hosts talk about the realm of the supernatural, paranormal and share mysterious events that take place in our lives everyday. Learn a little, laugh a lot, be intrigued and maybe even get a little scared. We look beyond the surface of the news at what’s hidden beneath layers of misunderstandings, misconceptions and even some of the fear propagated in our society today.

Join Paul Cagle and his co-hosts Sushi and Springwolf as we share our research, knowledge, insight and humor of the spiritual and paranormal.

Be part of our Ænigmite Crew and play “Truth or Tale”, can you tell which stories are real or which are made up? And find out what the latest strange or unusual news item is being talked about for the week as we discuss the “News of the Day”.

You can join in the chat room to share your own perspective, ask questions for the hosts to contemplate and address. Or simply listen to the show LIVE! You can now listen and chat on ANY page. For the web address you only need to go to

This week on The Ænigma Project: Continue reading

Don’t Just “Like”, Take Action!

Take Action To Save Endangered Species!

Take Action To Save Endangered Species!

Save The Wolves!

In a decision dated December 19, 2014, U.S. District Judge Howell ruled that federal threatened status be restored to wolves in Minnesota and endangered status to wolves in Michigan,null  Wisconsin and parts of North Dakota, South Dakota, Iowa, Illinois, Indiana and Ohio.

The court ruled that the US Fish & Wildlife Service cannot designate the Great Lakes wolves as a Distinct Population, for the purpose of de-listing them.  Wolves in the Great Lakes Region were de-listed January 2012 giving the states the authority to oversee wolf management.

Since that time, more than 1,500 Great Lakes wolves have been killed through recreational hunting and trapping  resulting in a substantial reduction in wolf populations.  This added human caused mortality constitutes a threat to the species.  Scientific research shows that wolf populations self-regulate and hunting is not necessary to manage wolves.

Wolves are essential to a healthy eco-system. This has been proven by the re-introduction of wolves in Yellowstone National Park. Nothing shows this better than a National Geographic documentary entitled “How Wolves Change Rivers“. Continue reading

Tonight On The Ænigma Project: The Witches Castle

SpringOnTheRadioThe Ænigma Project – Mondays 9 PM EST

The Ænigma Project LIVE talk radio! Stop by and listen awhile as our hosts talk about the realm of the supernatural, paranormal and share mysterious events that take place in our lives everyday. Learn a little, laugh a lot, be intrigued and maybe even get a little scared. We look beyond the surface of the news at what’s hidden beneath layers of misunderstandings, misconceptions and even some of the fear propagated in our society today.

Join Paul Cagle and his co-hosts Sushi and Springwolf as we share our research, knowledge, insight and humor of the spiritual and paranormal.

Be part of our Ænigmite Crew and play “Truth or Tale”, can you tell which stories are real or which are made up? And find out what the latest strange or unusual news item is being talked about for the week as we discuss the “News of the Day”.

You can join in the chat room to share your own perspective, ask questions for the hosts to contemplate and address. Or simply listen to the show LIVE! You can now listen and chat on ANY page. For the web address you only need to go to

This week on The Ænigma Project: Continue reading

We Are Charlie!

Solidarity With Paris

We as a planet of people, cannot stand for, support or condone any violent attack on people who do not agree with our views. There should not be a time where cowardly murder is the answer to any exercise of free speech, be it in words, pictures or cartoons.

Our thoughts and prayers are with all the victims, their families, friends and fans of satirical French magazine Charlie Hebdo. May each of you find the strength to endure, the support for each other to cope, and the energy to remember the happy memories through out this sorrowful journey.


#JeSuisCharlie ✎ #CharlieHebdo ✎ #IAmCharlie


Many Blessings to all standing up in support and solidarity!

© 1997-2014 Springwolf, D.D., Ph.D., Springwolf's Kosmos. All Rights Reserved.
© 1997-2015 Springwolf, D.D., Ph.D., Springwolf’s Creations. All Rights Reserved.


Tonight On The Ænigma Project: January Free Form Show

SpringOnTheRadioThe Ænigma Project – Mondays 9 PM EST

The Ænigma Project LIVE talk radio! Stop by and listen awhile as our hosts talk about the realm of the supernatural, paranormal and share mysterious events that take place in our lives everyday. Learn a little, laugh a lot, be intrigued and maybe even get a little scared. We look beyond the surface of the news at what’s hidden beneath layers of misunderstandings, misconceptions and even some of the fear propagated in our society today.

Join Paul Cagle and his co-hosts Sushi and Springwolf as we share our research, knowledge, insight and humor of the spiritual and paranormal.

Be part of our Ænigmite Crew and play “Truth or Tale”, can you tell which stories are real or which are made up? And find out what the latest strange or unusual news item is being talked about for the week as we discuss the “News of the Day”.

You can join in the chat room to share your own perspective, ask questions for the hosts to contemplate and address. Or simply listen to the show LIVE! You can now listen and chat on ANY page. For the web address you only need to go to

This week on The Ænigma Project: Continue reading

2014 In Review

The Annual Blog Review Report

I love the annual review report. Makes me all happy and stuff to know that some people like what I ramble on about. So here’s Springwolf’s Creations 2014 In Review report. If you like this kind of thing like I do.


Here’s an excerpt:

The concert hall at the Sydney Opera House holds 2,700 people. This blog was viewed about 32,000 times in 2014. If it were a concert at Sydney Opera House, it would take about 12 sold-out performances for that many people to see it.

Visitors came from 103 different countries to see Springwolf’s Creations.

Click HERE to see the full report.

© 1997-2014 Springwolf, D.D., Ph.D., Springwolf's Kosmos. All Rights Reserved.
© 1997-2014 Springwolf, D.D., Ph.D., Springwolf’s Creations. All Rights Reserved.

2014’s Best Day Ever – Final Count

Springwolf's Creations Favorite Icon Logo

Thank You For Visiting

As I mentioned yesterday, I’m not sure what happened four days ago. Someone shared a page from my blog on Facebook and suddenly everyone and his brother is stopping by to check out that share! Thanks for the promo who ever you are. I’ve tried so many different ways to find that original Facebook share, but tracking back to the specific referrers on Facebook isn’t something you can do. Through a little research, I found out that’s thanks to Facebook. Ok, that’s life. I’d still love to see it. If for no other reason than for marketing interest.

I do know the page that was shared and generating the huge increase in traffic is my post on 3-Time NASCAR Champion Tony Stewart’s Log Home in Indiana. An absolutely beautiful log house, nestled on 414 acres called Hidden Hollow.

This past Saturday my traffic tracker jumped to 298 from the average 40 to 60 visits per-day. Sunday that number jumped to 457. Monday at 6:15 pm Eastern, we were up to 2,362 views for that day alone. In the time it took me to get a snap-shot of the statistics page and post it on The Best Day Ever – So Far, that number jumped to 2,450. Almost a 100 views within 30minutes?! Seriously? Wow.

At the end of the day, Monday December 15, 2014 there were 4,557 views making yesterday my best day ever here on Springwolf’s Creations. Continue reading

2014’s Best Day Ever – So Far

Springwolf's Creations Header LogoHere On Springwolf’s Creations

I’m not sure what happened three days ago. Someone shared a page from my blog on Facebook and suddenly everyone and his brother is stopping by to check out that share! Thanks for the promo. Wish I could see it, but tracking back to the specific referrers isn’t something that’s provided on my blog statistics.

But I do know the page that was shared is my post on Tony Stewart’s Log Home in Indiana.

In general my little blog here receives on average 40 to 60 visits a day. It depends on which day of the week. More on Monday and Friday to my technology posts. More on the weekends for my story posts. But three days the traffic tracker jumped to 298. Really? You all couldn’t find 2 more people on Saturday to come visit?

Sunday that number jumped to 457. And so far today Monday at 6:15 pm Eastern, 2,362. In the time it took me to get a snap-shot of the statistics page and post it here, that number has jumped to 2,450. So I suspect that number will keep rising over the next few hours of the day. Continue reading