Thank You For Visiting
As I mentioned yesterday, I’m not sure what happened four days ago. Someone shared a page from my blog on Facebook and suddenly everyone and his brother is stopping by to check out that share! Thanks for the promo who ever you are. I’ve tried so many different ways to find that original Facebook share, but tracking back to the specific referrers on Facebook isn’t something you can do. Through a little research, I found out that’s thanks to Facebook. Ok, that’s life. I’d still love to see it. If for no other reason than for marketing interest.
I do know the page that was shared and generating the huge increase in traffic is my post on 3-Time NASCAR Champion Tony Stewart’s Log Home in Indiana. An absolutely beautiful log house, nestled on 414 acres called Hidden Hollow.
This past Saturday my traffic tracker jumped to 298 from the average 40 to 60 visits per-day. Sunday that number jumped to 457. Monday at 6:15 pm Eastern, we were up to 2,362 views for that day alone. In the time it took me to get a snap-shot of the statistics page and post it on The Best Day Ever – So Far, that number jumped to 2,450. Almost a 100 views within 30minutes?! Seriously? Wow.
At the end of the day, Monday December 15, 2014 there were 4,557 views making yesterday my best day ever here on Springwolf’s Creations.
Of course that couldn’t happen with out Tony Stewart being who he is. So I’ll shout out much appreciation and thanks to Smoke for helping my little blog achieve such a wonderfully exciting milestone. If he hadn’t contracted to build such a fabulous house, I wouldn’t have had the opportunity to share the pictures that have turned up in the public domain. And thanks to all his fans and fans of log houses, who were/are interested enough to click a link and visit my home on the web.

Springwolf’s Creations Best Day Ever!
It’s not a big number compared to some popular posts across the internet. But it’s a big number for me. I wondered last night if the Best Day Ever here on Creations would come close to the Best Day Ever on my professional blog Springwolf Reflections. Over there we hit our 2014 Best Day Ever on June 13, 2014 with 6,081 views. But nope, not good enough. Even though Tony’s house was close. I really didn’t think it would break that record. The day that brought us that big milestone was Full Moon Friday the 13th and that kind of world-wide interest proved to be some stiff competition.
It’s ok though. I’m still pretty excited and stoked about this milestone. My best day ever here, is the result of one of my most favorite people in the world! How kewl is that! I wonder what today will bring? It’s 9:12am here on the east coast and so far 1,107 views are on the tote board. Something tells me it won’t surpass yesterday. But we’ll see.
© 1997-2014 Springwolf, D.D., Ph.D., Springwolf’s Creations. All Rights Reserved.