Yeehaa! Giddy Up!
You Can’t Embarrass My Man
And We have proof.
In 2007 we took the Man to the local Texas Roadhouse for his birthday dinner. It happened to be “Kids Night” and as usual, the Balloon Maker was there. He’s really a great artist!
On this particular night we had been talking about how difficult it is to embarrass the Daddy person. The Balloon Maker thought he had a solution. And he was pretty confident, he could get a hesitation and red face from this self-proclaimed “Red neck”.
It didn’t take long for him to make one of the most elaborate and beautiful balloon animals I’ve ever seen! A Horse, complete with reigns and ready to ride through the restaurant. Little did he know…
Riding his new steed, the man was instructed to head off down the hall through the restaurant and return to our table.
Off he went. The Balloon Maker was shocked. Seriously, wish we had caught his reaction as he said “Oh my gawd, he did it!” with complete surprise. “I can’t believe he did it!” he added as we watched the Daddy run down the isle.
In the lobby as the Hostesses were preparing to seat new restaurant guests, the Man slid his horse to the side and announced, “Dressage” as he danced past the crowd.
Amusingly a lady responded “I’m surprised you know what that is.”
And off he went to return back to our table.
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Back home, the Man couldn’t resist donning his show horse once more, to play with our puppy Rascal.
She was not to be deterred by fear and stretched herself big for combat.
Amazingly, she did get a claw or two on the steady steed. But he resisted her attack and surprisingly survived! |
We do have a good time in our family!
Many Blessings,

© 1997-2015 Springwolf, D.D., Ph.D., Springwolf’s Creations. All Rights Reserved.
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