Archive | June 27, 2015

Pound Puppies

Adopt A Shelter PetSave A Life – Adopt A Shelter Pet
The Story Of My Day

My beautiful friend Angela, turned me onto a Pound Puppy adoption event today at a local PetSmart. It was an hour and 10-minute drive from home, but I figured there must be a reason I should go. I checked out the Chesterfield Human Society shelter and their Facebook page where they had posted a few pictures of the puppies they’d be bringing to the store. One of them caught my attention. So today, on a Saturday, I got up at 7:20, got ready, made my morning stops and headed south.

This past November we lost my beloved dalmatian Rascal to a blood clot. In 2011, we lost her big sister Destinie to a stroke. But these past 6 months have been the first time in my life I haven’t had a dog with me. It’s been hard. Tougher than I expected actually. And that feeling probably prolonged the grieving longer than I would have liked. Continue reading