Archive | June 18, 2015

Share A Coke

ShareACoke with Your Family

ShareACoke with Your Family

It’s The Little Things
A little moment from my morning.

Coca-Cola has a promotion going on right now for personalized coke bottles. Many people are finding a bottle with their name on it and tweeting pictures with the hashtag #ShareACoke.

Now I’m a Coke fan. Diet coke specifically. But I haven’t found a personalized bottle anywhere with my name on it. Not a Vicky, Vicki, or my spelling Vickie. Then I found out that you can order one for $5 at

Ok that’s kewl. So I went there and ordered one for me and my boys (Daddy and our son <- my boys). And of course my favorite Coca-Cola Racing driver Tony Stewart.

Then I thought, wouldn’t it be kewl to have one with Springwolf on it? Now if I can’t find Vickie, of course Springwolf wasn’t going to be out in the world. But I discovered that Coke regulate what it will and will not put on the label. Smart move on the company’s part really. But you can make special requests. So I submitted Springwolf and waited to see if it would be approved. Continue reading