I Voted Today – Did You?
Are you tired of the attack ads, political spin, false accusations and fear-mongering? Me too. All the money it took this election cycle to buy your vote is obscene. And that has made many Americans disenfranchised. Many wonder if their votes mean anything when they’re up against Billionaires like the Koch brothers, Donald Trump and others who have their own agenda.
The only way your vote can be bought is if you don’t vote at all. By not voting you’re allowing those Big Super Packs to court the votes of those who fall into their manipulative clutches. If you want to change things, if you want the economy to turn around, then stop allowing the corporations to vote for you and stop them from electing representatives that are going to vote for the Corporations and not for you.
© 1997-2014 Springwolf, D.D., Ph.D., Springwolf’s Creations. All Rights Reserved.