Tag Archive | fashioned

Recipes: Old Time Apple Cider Artery Cleaner

Old Time Artery Cleaner

A nice old timey remedy for what ails ya. This tasty concoction was past down through generations to help fight cholesterol and clean clogged arteries. Of course this isn’t a cure all and shouldn’t substitute visiting your doctor and following medical advice. But this old wives tale is being republished in modern Heart Healthy magazines as a suggestion for those who want to avoid heart disease, or help lesson it’s impacts. Talk to your doctor and discuss if this recipe can be added to your daily diet for a healthier heart.

Preparation Time: 10 minutes


  • 4 cups natural Apple Juice
  • 3 cups natural White Grape Juice
  • 1/2 cup Apple Cider Vinegar


  • Mix all ingredients into a 1/2 gallon jug.
  • Keep refrigerated.
  • Drink 6 ounces every morning.

© 1997-2018 Springwolf, D.D., Ph.D., Springwolf's Kosmos. All Rights Reserved.
© 1997-2018 Springwolf, D.D., Ph.D., Springwolf’s Creations. All Rights Reserved.

Recipe: Southern Hot Toddy

Maw Stoots’ Hot Toddy
Maw Stoots had this in her recipe box, but she couldn’t remember where she got it from. She said it might have come from her sister Pearl. Or it could have come from her mom Martha, which would put this recipe around the late 1800s.

Maw said they used to drink it when it snowed to keep from getting a chill and catching a cold. But she thought they drank it just to stay warm on those cold winter days.

Which ever works for you, it’s just what you need to run away a cold, or knock out a chill.

Preparation time: 5 minutes


  • 1 teaspoon brown sugar
  • A dab of butter – 1/4 teaspoon will do
  • Add a jigger of rum – 1 1/2 ounces
  • 3 oz of spring water
  • 1 slice of fresh lemon
  • Optional: Sprinkle of ground cloves

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