© 1997-2014 Springwolf, D.D., Ph.D., Springwolf’s Creations. All Rights Reserved.
© 1997-2014 Springwolf, D.D., Ph.D., Springwolf’s Creations. All Rights Reserved.
The Ghouls and Goblins Of Halloween
Twas the night of Ghosts, Goblins and Spooks. The night hidden in shadow beneath the watchful moon. When the Good Folk of the Shire below have placed Jack-o-Lanterns on their porches, door stops and steps to ward of the spirits of the night. They dress up in costume to fool the ghouls to hide their presence along their travels in the darkness.
But the mischievous spirits of the night knock on doors and demand their treats or tricks they’ll play all over the street. While the Good Folk shiver and shake by the hearth inside, afraid to go out or take a peak outside. Lighting candles and praying the evil passes them by.
But fear not, my fellow folk, for the good Fairies are afoot this eve. Flitting here and there, sharing their light throughout the peaceful shire. Casting their magikal dust over the tiny homes and the malicious ghouls who haunt the land throughout the night.
As the warm rays of light rise up over the horizons, and chase the goblins from the shadows of the night. The Good Folk throw open the shutters and unlock their doors to the light of day. They celebrate with excitement and with offerings of fruit and breads. They share their platters with the wee folk of plant and forest. “Blessings and thanks we send to thee, our Fairy folk of flower and tree!”
~ Springwolf © 2014
Merry Samhain or Happy Halloween as the case maybe!
© 1997-2014 Springwolf, D.D., Ph.D., Springwolf’s Creations. All Rights Reserved.
Funny Stories Can Lift Your Spirit
A few years ago, my son and I had a particularly hard week that culminated into one very difficult day. Life was presenting more challenges than either of us could handle alone and at the time, there was no one to turn to. He had his school stresses and I had my big adult life and parent stresses. The evening was filled with some yelling, from both directions and a lot of “you don’t do this or that”; again from both sides. It was a school night and I had put him to bed with no real solutions or comfort for either of us. At some point you have to stop arguing, because all you’re doing is going in circles and not getting anywhere at all.
While I went to my place for a cry, he was crying in bed. About an hour later he got back up and said he couldn’t sleep because he was too upset. Nothing can wrench your heart out more than your little boy crying because he too was hitting the rocks of despair. The annoyance of him being up nearly two hours after he was supposed to be in bed sleeping, flew right out the door. I knew how he felt. I felt the same way. Continue reading
The Nature Of Mother Water
I’ve always admire how balanced water is.
It gives peace as we look upon its beauty.
It give calmness as we hear it flow.
It gently moves and shows us how to go with the flow.
It bends around obstacles,
and refreshes the spirit.
It cools the body on a hot summer day.
It refreshes the animals of the forest and field.
And it sustains all life from rain, stream and pond.
It shares excitement of white water rapids,
It inspires the mind from water falls great and small.
It strengthens the heart as we dip our toes in from the shore line.
It brings families together through boating, swimming and fishing.
She can put out a fire or make a fire grow.
She can replenish a dry field, or flood a family’s home.
She can flow free, or flow with incredible strength.
She can forth life in an abundance of flavors.
Or she can spread disease through ignorance and neglect. Continue reading
With Elizabeth Taylor
One of our family members shared a link on FB that grabbed my attention. 36 Realistically Colorized Historical Photos article really was worth looking at. They are so well done that the colorization brings the photos and the infamous events to life like I’ve never seen before.
The Mind Unleashed released this article and describe the pictures as:
“A new artistic trend has broken out around the world which changes our perception of history dramatically. Colorizing historic photographs from the late 1800′s and early 1900′s changes their appearance from something historic and different, into a scene from today”.
This one of Elizabeth Taylor looks beautiful. I liked her as an actress and as a person. But the image was a little off; her eyes were green? Say what? She was famous for her violet eyes; and they are violet. I should know, back in the ’80s, I had lunch with her.
Say what?
Yep. Sure enough. An almost 90 minute picnic lunch. Under a giant shade tree with one of my friends, his family and Liz. Continue reading
Dragon Tales
Welcome to my mythological world — and my novel – a trilogy actually, about the Orbs Of The Dragon Kind. 7 mystical crystal orbs created by the ancient Wizard Council to end the destructive wars between the 7 different dragon species around the ancient world of Talenthor. I hope we see it on bookshelves …one day.
Zavendril’s long thin body twisted in his over-sized chair. His sharp blue eyes gazed across the room to see what his youngest student was referring to. “Ah.” he said, rising from his seat near the fireplace. “You have come across my most precious possession, Arius.” His faded blue robe drifted across the floor of his cabin as he walked toward the book-case. “This was a gift given to an ancestor of mine, many ages ago.”
“Tell us Master. Please?” asked Leonar, as the other six members of the class eagerly agreed. Well all except Eric.
“Oh great, another wasted afternoon.” Eric sneered. “We are supposed to be learning the sciences and mathematics, Master. Not some meaningless legend filled with lies and unbelievable events.”
“Oh Eric, why don’t you just shut up!” Veiga retorted as she sat on a small stool to the right of Zavendril’s large chair. The young girl had been placed in the care of her Uncle after the death of her parents. It was her task to clean, cook and care for him as his own daughter would. In return, Zavendril allowed her to join his classes with the village boys. Continue reading
Sometimes You Simply Have To Believe
One of the things my maternal grandmother used to say to me when things got tough and stress over shadows everything you do. Remember to pray for help, ask for direction and guidance; and be thankful for what you do have. Because someone in this world has it a lot worse than you do.
Then pick yourself up, dry your eyes and walk out the front door and act as if there wasn’t anyone to pray to in the first place. Because no one is going to help you, if you’re not trying to help yourself.
So always remember that no matter how tough things are, everything happens for a reason, in its right time and space as long as you’re trying to move forward and make change for the better in your life. We may not know why for years or decades later. Maybe not even until we’re gone and look back from spirit and everything is clear.
“If you never believe in Magik,
it can never come your way or manifest in your life.”
~ © 2014 Springwolf ~
© 1997-2014 Springwolf, D.D., Ph.D., Springwolf’s Creations. All Rights Reserved.
An Oral Tradition From The South
Here in the southern United States, we have a great many stories and legends relating to ghosts and spirits. I’ve read many account from story tellers suggesting the south has more ghost stories than any other place in the U.S. I don’t know if that’s true or not, but it certainly makes one take a second thought about the claim. After all, some of the first big conflicts in this country began in the south. From the invasion of the first white Europeans with Native Americans, to the Civil War and on into modern times with the fight for Civil Rights.
Southern Appalachia is widely known for its oral traditions and story telling. In fact the International Storytelling Center is located in the small historical town of Jonesborough Tennessee. Which happens to be my home town and where many of my family members have lived and died for several generations. Visit TravelBlog.org-Jonesborough, TN for more lovely pictures of one of my favorite little towns.
If you have an opportunity for a visit to the oldest town in Tennessee, that is Jonesborough. I suggest going during the first full weekend in October when the Storytelling Center holds the National Storytelling Festival. It’s a big and wonderful event that draws storytellers and people from around the globe. One of my favorite stories comes from this festival. The Blue Bottle Tree. Continue reading