The Mosquito Ringtone

Mosquito Ringtone by Springwolf © 2014

Mosquito Ringtone
by Springwolf © 2014

More Than A Secret Sound For Teens

The Man and I had our son (the Prince) a little late in life. I went after the career, before I was interested in going after the family. What that means is that that Daddy person and I have to explain some things to the child about aging that most of the “Moms and Dads” of his friends at school don’t have to deal with. I’m old enough to be their Mom and in a very few cases, their Grand Mom.

We’re like all people getting older, things stop working well as we age. Right now today’s challenge is… we don’t hear as well as we did when we were younger. Ok so some of that comes from blaring the radio in the car when we were teens and twenty somethings. The point is, we’re constantly asking the Prince to repeat what he says and he’s constantly getting annoyed by it. He thinks it’s simply a matter of our paying more attention to him. It doesn’t dawn on him that we’re talking about biological science here and he needs to increase the volume of his voice. We’re getting old, come on kid, speak up.

This has become an opportunity to have a teaching moment and conduct an experiment that will help keep the Prince interested in science.

A few years ago I had heard about teens using their cell phones when they weren’t supposed to be, by turning off all sound and loading a sound file onto their phone that only they and other kids can hear,  The Mosquito Ringtone. Continue reading

An Unexpected Picnic Lunch

Elizabeth Taylor

Elizabeth Taylor

With Elizabeth Taylor

One of our family members shared a link on FB that grabbed my attention. 36 Realistically Colorized Historical Photos article really was worth looking at. They are so well done that the colorization brings the photos and the infamous events to life like I’ve never seen before.

The Mind Unleashed released this article and describe the pictures as:
“A new artistic trend has broken out around the world which changes our perception of history dramatically. Colorizing historic photographs from the late 1800′s and early 1900′s changes their appearance from something historic and different, into a scene from today”

This one of Elizabeth Taylor looks beautiful. I liked her as an actress and as a person. But the image was a little off; her eyes were green? Say what? She was famous for her violet eyes; and they are violet. I should know, back in the ’80s, I had lunch with her.

Say what?

Yep. Sure enough. An almost 90 minute picnic lunch. Under a giant shade tree with one of my friends, his family and Liz.  😉 Continue reading

Our Animal World

Our Home by Springwolf ©

One of the Great Blue Heron Flying Toward the Dam
by Springwolf ©

Living On The Water

Living on a lake means we have a diverse variety of animal visitors. Of course we have the usual Ducks, Herons, Cranes, Opossums, Raccoons, Wild Cats, there’s even a Bobcat or two around here. We’ve seen them in the early hours of the morning when the fog is flowing off the lake, over the dam road and down into what we call the dam valley. Our community lake is man-made, as most lakes in Virginia are.

We have Deer of course, a few nesting pairs of Bald Eagles, Red tail and Red shoulder hawks of course. We’ve seen a large Barn Owl once. Heard other owls at night when the neighborhood gets quiet. Bats, who we actually really like because they eat the bugs that make it hard in the depths of summer to sit outside and enjoy the evening by the water.

As with most places, we’ve got the typical song birds, hummingbirds and finches. Cardinals and Bluejays who like eating the cat food we put out for the wild cats that come to visit. What they don’t devour, the opossums and raccoons finish off.

We’ve recently been visited by some Osprey who decided to make this their summer home. It’s truly awesome watching them dive for fish. They make one heck of a splash and always seem to come up with a good catch. Continue reading

Next On The Ænigma Project: The Roswell Rods

SpringOnTheRadioThe Ænigma Project – Mondays 9 PM EST

The Ænigma Project LIVE talk radio! Stop by and listen awhile as our hosts talk about the realm of the supernatural, paranormal and share mysterious events that take place in our lives everyday. Learn a little, laugh a lot, be intrigued and maybe even get a little scared. We look beyond the surface of the news at what’s hidden beneath layers of misunderstandings, misconceptions and even some of the fear propagated in our society today.

Join Paul Cagle and his co-hosts Sushi and Springwolf as we share our research, knowledge, insight and humor of the spiritual and paranormal.

Be part of our Ænigmite Crew and play “Truth or Tale”, can you tell which stories are real or which are made up? And find out what the latest strange or unusual news item is being talked about for the week as we discuss the “News of the Day”.

You can join in the chat room to share your own perspective, ask questions for the hosts to contemplate and address. Or simply listen to the show LIVE! You can now listen and chat on ANY page. For the web address you only need to go to

This week on The Ænigma Project: Continue reading


NASCAR At Talladega Oct. 2014

NASCAR At Talladega Oct. 2014

They Do More Than Turn Left

Fast cars, slide jobs, banging on the doors, bump and run, a Chase, fight to the finish and big personalities! No it’s not the latest Fast and Furious movie, it’s NASCAR.

I’ve been a race fan (race as in any kind of car racing) since I was 12 or 13. I have no brothers, and my Dad wasn’t a race fan. But being the youngest of 3 daughters I was the tomboy in the house and I liked cars. Dad taught me how to change a tire, change the oil and oil filter, and check the timing of the engine. I was the son he never had.

Maybe that had something to do with it. But whatever it was, I loved fast cars and especially NASCAR and Indycar racing. As long as my favorite guy was in the race, I was watching and cheering and learning about the little things that make the race interesting. Continue reading

Creating Ringtones from MP3


Ringdroid by Ringdroid Team

Android App Review

RingDroid: ☆☆☆☆☆
There are several products recommended for creating your own ringtones. Recommended by who? Other users, a few technology magazines, people who are supposed to know about these things. Two of those seemed to appear on almost everyone’s list.

The first runs on your pc where you can manipulate files and turn them into notifications, alarms or ring tones from your music library. Once created, you transfer the new sound files to your phone.  I tried this PC version program. I hated it! It was clumsy and made no sense to transfer a music file that you downloaded to your phone to your pc to create a sound file to transfer back to your phone. What?!

Then there’s RingDroid.
RingDroid is much easier to use and it’s right on your phone. You don’t have to worry about transferring files from your PC to your phone unless you want to. And if something goes wrong, you don’t have to go back to your pc try to fix it and transfer it again.

After using RingDroid for a week, let me say I LOVE IT!
I had some sound files that I wanted to use for alarm sounds, but they wouldn’t show up as available files for my phone. Start up Ringdroid and open the MP3, save it with a new name as a ringtone OR a Notification and tada you have your favorite sound on your new phone! (Thanks to the Folks on Galaxy Nexus for this tidbit!)


© 1997-2014 Springwolf, D.D., Ph.D., Springwolf's Kosmos. All Rights Reserved.
© 1997-2014 Springwolf, D.D., Ph.D., Springwolf’s Creations. All Rights Reserved.


Next On The Ænigma Project – July Free Form Show #2

SpringOnTheRadioThe Ænigma Project – Mondays 9 PM EST

The Ænigma Project LIVE talk radio! Stop by and listen awhile as our hosts talk about the realm of the supernatural, paranormal and share mysterious events that take place in our lives everyday. Learn a little, laugh a lot, be intrigued and maybe even get a little scared. We look beyond the surface of the news at what’s hidden beneath layers of misunderstandings, misconceptions and even some of the fear propagated in our society today.

Join Paul Cagle and his co-hosts Sushi and Springwolf as we share our research, knowledge, insight and humor of the spiritual and paranormal.

Be part of our Ænigmite Crew and play “Truth or Tale”, can you tell which stories are real or which are made up? And find out what the latest strange or unusual news item is being talked about for the week as we discuss the “News of the Day”.

You can join in the chat room to share your own perspective, ask questions for the hosts to contemplate and address. Or simply listen to the show LIVE! You can now listen and chat on ANY page. For the web address you only need to go to

This week on The Ænigma Project:  Coming up this week, hopefully with better weather around the nation we’ll be sitting down for our show LIVE…. Continue reading

Orbs Of The Dragonkind

Dragon Tales

Welcome to my mythological world — and my novel – a trilogy actually, about the Orbs Of The Dragon Kind. 7 mystical crystal orbs created by the ancient Wizard Council to end the destructive wars between the 7 different dragon species around the ancient world of Talenthor. I hope we see it on bookshelves …one day.


Orbs Of The DragonKind
In Collusion with Dragons ©
“Master, what is this?” young Arius asked as he gently stroked the foot high dragon statue.


Once Upon A Time by Anne Stokes

Zavendril’s long thin body twisted in his over-sized chair. His sharp blue eyes gazed across the room to see what his youngest student was referring to. “Ah.” he said, rising from his seat near the fireplace. “You have come across my most precious possession, Arius.” His faded blue robe drifted across the floor of his cabin as he walked toward the book-case. “This was a gift given to an ancestor of mine, many ages ago.”

“Tell us Master. Please?” asked Leonar, as the other six members of the class eagerly agreed. Well all except Eric.

“Oh great, another wasted afternoon.” Eric sneered. “We are supposed to be learning the sciences and mathematics, Master. Not some meaningless legend filled with lies and unbelievable events.”

“Oh Eric, why don’t you just shut up!” Veiga retorted as she sat on a small stool to the right of Zavendril’s large chair. The young girl had been placed in the care of her Uncle after the death of her parents. It was her task to clean, cook and care for him as his own daughter would. In return, Zavendril allowed her to join his classes with the village boys. Continue reading

Next On The Ænigma Project: July Free Form Show

SpringOnTheRadioThe Ænigma Project – Mondays 9 PM EST

Due to unforeseen techie issues; we must cancel the show this evening. Everyone out there in the storms and tornadoes and beneath the Gods/Goddesses of the sky DUCK! And please be careful! Don’t go out there if you don’t have to!!

We’ll move tonight’s show to next Monday 07/14.
That means you have another week to come up with some kind of Paranormal, Spiritual or out of the way unusual question to send to us!


This week on The Ænigma Project: Continue reading

The American Flag on the 4th of July

Happy 4th of July

Happy 4th of July

A Poem

From porches and poles of the greatest height,
Unfurl the stripes of red and of white.
Let her wave and sing in the breezy air,
As the stars of glory wave high up there.

Give thanks to all those who gave so much,
for the freedoms and rights we love to clutch.
To soldier, to patriot, to all those who fought,
in the past or the present, your gift isn’t forgot.

For each time that great flag flies up upon high,
on the 4th of July with hotdogs and apple pie,
we’ll take a moment to remember and reflect,
to celebrate and honor with the greatest respect!

Happy 4th of July to one and to all,
Many thanks to those who elect to stand tall!
To stand for freedom by gun or by protest.
Thank you for your bravery and your zest!

~ Springwolf  © 07/2014

Freedom doesn’t come free. While you celebrate this weekend, remember all those who came before us and sacrificed so much. The men and women of our armed forces of course! But don’t forget those who put all they had on the line for you. The founding fathers, the families and the patriots who stand tall, who fight with their voice or their pen. It takes more than brute force to make freedom remain free. It takes a nation of people from sea to sea. Continue reading