My Samsung Galaxy
Last update: Feb. 6, 2021
I’ve had several Samsung products over the years. One of the first was a Samsung flip phone, way back in the 90s. I went through a huge upgrade in 2012 to a Samsung Nexus. Or as our little Prince called it the “Nuke-sus“.
After talking to people and playing around with the iPhone for a while in the store, I decided Samsung is not only a better deal; it’s a better phone! So I’m a loyal Samsung customer now.
I’ve had several editions.
– Samsung Nexus
– Galaxy S5
– Galaxy S8 – Active
Of course with all the new things each cell can do, there’s also upgrades with system operation, security and so on. All those changes can impact the way your favorite apps perform. Sometimes there’s a simple work around. Other times, your favorite apps have to do the work and update their programs to accommodate the most recent system upgrades. Being the teacher person I am, I like sharing what I learn in hopes of helping someone else out. Oh and I LOVE sharing my reviews of new apps I’ve found and fallen in love with. I have several of those too!
My App Reviews & User Tips ‘n Tricks:
There are many apps I’ve fallen in love with. And it really is true that if you want or need something to help you during your day or life – There IS an App for that! There’s also a lot of things this cell can do that you might want to do, but that aren’t real intuitive. So I’ll share a few of those things too.
My best rating is 5 ☆☆☆☆☆s. The worst have negative stars -☆. And there are a few who are in between.
Galaxy Resources:
There are many helpful websites I’d recommend. There’s one in particular that I’d highly recommend for any Samsung user. And what made it better for me comes from Jamie and Adam of Mythbusters fame, their the guys at Tested!
- 11 Essential Tweaks for Your New Galaxy S5 –
Once again the guys at Tested have come through for helping you set up your Galaxy S5. There are some great suggestions and some you may decide to skip. You’ll find additional Tweaks for new cell phones as well. - 25 Essential Tweaks to Perform on Your Android Phone –
From the guys at Tested: You may not use all these tweaks, but most of them are designed to keep your phone secured and safe. They’re worth the read. - Galaxy Nexus Forum –
If you have a question, this is the place to ask or search for an answer. I found a ton of help for little questions to big ones! - Android Central –
Another decent smart phone forum. It’s for androids in general, so you may need to search for topics specific to your phone. - Google Play –
If you want an app, but you’re not sure what it’s called or which one to get, go to the Play store online and search for it. Do some research before you download it onto your phone or pay for something you don’t want. - The Galaxy S5 Manual –
The most important link you’ll need. The online manual for your phone. - The Galaxy S8 Manual –
Online Manual and Specs
© 1997-2021 Springwolf, D.D., Ph.D., Springwolf’s Creations. All Rights Reserved.
thanks for a great post i love andoid phones
check out this great site can also be helpful
Android Central is one of the resources listed on this page already.
sorry you are correct! thanks again! any updates on Samsung new phones?
I’m still using the Galaxy S5. It will be a little longer before I upgrade again. But when I do, I’ll add my personal experiences here.