Archive | February 4, 2015

Hot Toddy Cold Remedies

GrandMa Great's Hot Toddy Cold Remedy

GrandMa Great’s Hot Toddy Cold Remedy

Old Wives Tales

Old wives’ tale is an epithet used to indicate that a supposed truth is actually a superstition or something untrue, to be ridiculed. It can be said sometimes to be a type of urban legend, said to be passed down by older women to a younger generation. Such “tales” are considered superstition, folklore or unverified claims with exaggerated and/or inaccurate details. Today, some “old wives’ tales” have proven to be valid. Old wives’ tales often center on women’s traditional concerns, such as pregnancy, puberty, social relations, health, herbalism and nutrition.” ~ Wikipedia ‘Old Wives Tales‘.

Sometimes there’s a reason a story from the past was created and passed down through the ages. Because it was true, it worked or it was valid then as it is today. Our modern scientific society isn’t always right and in the know about everything. When we ridicule something from the past as ridiculous, we’re doing not only the ways of old a disservice, but ourselves too. Continue reading

Internet Drama

webThreats and Evidence

During the night I received a strange Twitter notification. Seems someone is accusing me of stealing content from their site. Say what?

It was rather early in the middle of the night and I couldn’t sleep. Like the techno-geek I am, I grabbed my phone and shared a message on FB about killing my cats who were the cause of my not sleeping! Still feeling a bit frustrated, I then checked my recent Twitter feed and discovered, I along with others were being accused of theft.

Confused and somewhat groggy, I simply responded “Say What? I don’t even know who you are”. I started up my SleepyTime app, turned on the ocean sounds and tried to go back to sleep by ignoring the blasted cats. Thankfully, I did. Continue reading