Archive | June 26, 2014

The Story Of The Blue Bottle Tree & The Witch’s Heart

Jonesborogh Tennessee

Jonesborogh Tennessee

An Oral Tradition From The South

Here in the southern United States, we have a great many stories and legends relating to ghosts and spirits. I’ve read many account from story tellers suggesting the south has more ghost stories than any other place in the U.S. I don’t know if that’s true or not, but it certainly makes one take a second thought about the claim. After all, some of the first big conflicts in this country began in the south. From the invasion of the first white Europeans with Native Americans, to the Civil War and on into modern times with the fight for Civil Rights.

Southern Appalachia is widely known for its oral traditions and story telling. In fact the International Storytelling Center is located in the small historical town of Jonesborough Tennessee. Which happens to be my home town and where many of my family members have lived and died for several generations. Visit, TN for more lovely pictures of one of my favorite little towns.

If you have an opportunity for a visit to the oldest town in Tennessee, that is Jonesborough. I suggest going during the first full weekend in October when the Storytelling Center holds the National Storytelling Festival. It’s a big and wonderful event that draws storytellers and people from around the globe. One of my favorite stories comes from this festival. The Blue Bottle Tree. Continue reading