Here On Springwolf’s Creations
I’m not sure what happened three days ago. Someone shared a page from my blog on Facebook and suddenly everyone and his brother is stopping by to check out that share! Thanks for the promo. Wish I could see it, but tracking back to the specific referrers isn’t something that’s provided on my blog statistics.
But I do know the page that was shared is my post on Tony Stewart’s Log Home in Indiana.
In general my little blog here receives on average 40 to 60 visits a day. It depends on which day of the week. More on Monday and Friday to my technology posts. More on the weekends for my story posts. But three days the traffic tracker jumped to 298. Really? You all couldn’t find 2 more people on Saturday to come visit?
Sunday that number jumped to 457. And so far today Monday at 6:15 pm Eastern, 2,362. In the time it took me to get a snap-shot of the statistics page and post it here, that number has jumped to 2,450. So I suspect that number will keep rising over the next few hours of the day.

2014’s Best Day Ever… far.
My goodness, you all must like Tony or Log Cabins.
In all seriousness, I’m honored someone liked my page on Tony’s house so much as to share it. There are other pages out there that share similar pictures of Tony’s house. I’m thrilled you like my version enough to share it with your friends on Facebook. And that they’ve shared it with their friends. And their friends have shared it. And …..well, you know.
Stay tuned tomorrow when I’ll go check up on the final results of Creations best day ever.
© 1997-2014 Springwolf, D.D., Ph.D., Springwolf’s Creations. All Rights Reserved.