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Share A Coke

ShareACoke with Your Family

ShareACoke with Your Family

It’s The Little Things
A little moment from my morning.

Coca-Cola has a promotion going on right now for personalized coke bottles. Many people are finding a bottle with their name on it and tweeting pictures with the hashtag #ShareACoke.

Now I’m a Coke fan. Diet coke specifically. But I haven’t found a personalized bottle anywhere with my name on it. Not a Vicky, Vicki, or my spelling Vickie. Then I found out that you can order one for $5 at ShareACoke.com.

Ok that’s kewl. So I went there and ordered one for me and my boys (Daddy and our son <- my boys). And of course my favorite Coca-Cola Racing driver Tony Stewart.

Then I thought, wouldn’t it be kewl to have one with Springwolf on it? Now if I can’t find Vickie, of course Springwolf wasn’t going to be out in the world. But I discovered that Coke regulate what it will and will not put on the label. Smart move on the company’s part really. But you can make special requests. So I submitted Springwolf and waited to see if it would be approved. Continue reading

Living With Wolves

The Sawtooth Pack

In 1990Jim  Dutcher was given captive pups and a permit to set up a 25 Acre Wolf observation camp in the Sawtooth Mountains in Idaho, where Living with Wolves” was filmed. He was later joined by his wife, naturalist Jamie Dutcher and together they lived with the wolves for six years. The Dutchers spent their time, filming, documenting and living amongst these wolves in their natural habit, studied their habits, personalities and family characteristics. Their experience was turned into a beautiful documentary about the Sawtooth Pack.

The “Sawtooth Pack” were later sold to the Wolf Education and Research Center,(a non-profit organization he founded) in conjunction with the Native American “Nez Perce” and moved to northern Idaho.

© 1997-2014 Springwolf, D.D., Ph.D., Springwolf's Kosmos. All Rights Reserved.
© 1997-2014 Springwolf, D.D., Ph.D., Springwolf’s Kosmos. All Rights Reserved.


Wolves & Wolf-Hybrids As Pets



Living With Wolves, Wolf-Dogs and Wolf-Hybrids
By Springwolf, D.D., Ph.D.

In writing this article I had a hard time trying to put into words our view of domesticating a wolf or hybrid as a pet. People see my Merlin, and think they want a wolf like that. But they’re making an assumption about Merlin and how “wolf” he really was.

So allow me to share our personal experience with Merlin our hybrid wolf. What we learned and what we knew way before we even got started on our personal relationship. What we discovered once he was with us from a puppy. And what you need to be aware of, before you even think about bringing a hybrid into your home.

I promise you’ll be glad you read all this and you’ll have a better idea of what you should consider and what to look out for if this is something you’re considering. This is not only something you should be cautious about for your family, but especially for the animal you’re thinking about bringing into your home. Continue reading