Tag Archive | win10

Windows 10 Last Gasp – AGAIN! UGH

frustratedMicrosoft Is At It Again and Again and Again

On April 24th, 2016 I shared a method for getting rid of those annoying Windows 10 upgrade reminders that Microsoft installed on your pc, whither you wanted it or not.

Then Microsoft wrote a Malware program to get around that fix. They snuck in a the same update and reinstalled the “Get Windows 10” app (KB3035583) on May 6th. Even when I said I didn’t want it.

The method to uninstall the Win10 updates had been provided by BetaNews who shared a great step by step article to help you with this annoying issue, still works. See Remove unwanted Windows 10 upgrade files from Windows 7 and Windows 8.x

Then on July 16 they’re at it again. This time they installed an update KB3173040 to tell you:

If you have Windows 8.1 or Windows 7 with Service Pack 1 (SP1), the following full-screen notification might appear on your computer:
Sorry to interrupt, but this is important.
Windows 10 free upgrade offer ends July 29.

And now, July 21, they did it again! They reinstalled update (kb3035583). Yes, even if you told them you don’t want that update ever again. Continue reading

Windows 10 Malware Big Blue Screen

frustratedMicrosoft Is At It Again

On April 24th, 2016 I shared a method for getting rid of those annoying Windows 10 upgrade reminders that Microsoft installed on your pc, whither you wanted it or not.

Then Microsoft wrote a Malware program to get around that fix. They snuck in a the same update and reinstalled the “Get Windows 10” app (KB3035583) on May 6th. Even when I said I didn’t want it.

The method to uninstall the Win10 updates had been provided by BetaNews who shared a great step by step article to help you with this annoying issue, still works. See Remove unwanted Windows 10 upgrade files from Windows 7 and Windows 8.x

Now we’re up to July 16 and they’re at it again. This time they’ve installed an update KB3173040 to tell you:

If you have Windows 8.1 or Windows 7 with Service Pack 1 (SP1), the following full-screen notification might appear on your computer:
Sorry to interrupt, but this is important.
Windows 10 free upgrade offer ends July 29.

Don’t they get it? I DON’T WANT Win10 AT ALL!

So thanks to BetaNews we can use the same steps to get rid of this new annoyance. They say they provide you with a “don’t remind me again”; but after all this, who’s going to believe that? I’m not.

Here’s what you can do to uninstall this updated and keep it from happening again.
Go to Start > Control Panel > Programs > Uninstall or change a program.
Click View installed updates on the left.
Use the search box to locate the following updates:
– KB3173040
Right-click and select Uninstall.
When done:
Go to System and security in the Control Panel,
Select Windows Update > Check for updates.
Right-click each of the above updates in turn and select Hide update.

Then reboot your system. Hopefully that takes care of the problem. This time.

© 1997-2014 Springwolf, D.D., Ph.D., Springwolf's Kosmos. All Rights Reserved.
© 1997-2016 Springwolf, D.D., Ph.D., Springwolf’s Creations. All Rights Reserved.

Windows 10 Malware from Microsoft

frustratedMicrosoft Is At It Again

A few weeks ago I shared a method for getting rid of those annoying Windows 10 upgrade reminders that Microsoft installed on your pc, whither you wanted it or not.

Well it seems Microsoft has written a Malware program to get around that fix. Even if you’ve told them you don’t want Win10 and you’ve hidden the updates from future installs, they’re going to ignore that and reinstall the “Get Windows 10 app” (KB3035583) again. It’s more than annoying, it’s unethical and pisses a large number of people off. Including me.

After removing the Win10 updates when I found the BetaNews solution on April 24th, I discovered Microsoft had reinstalled the “Get Windows 10” app (KB3035583) on May 6th. Even when I said I didn’t want it. Once again I removed the app update and again told my system to hide it from future installs. Once again it was reinstalled on May 26th!! Once again I have removed the app and hid it from future updates. This is getting ridiculous! STOP IT Microsoft!

The method to uninstall the Win10 updates had been provided by BetaNews who shared a great step by step article to help you with this annoying issue.
See Remove unwanted Windows 10 upgrade files from Windows 7 and Windows 8.x

The original fix from BetaNews still works thankfully. It’s simply frustrating that you have to remove the app update over and over. Only one file is re-downloaded to your system KB3035583.

So find that and remove it as BetaNews suggests:
..for preventing the files being downloaded again,
go to Start > Control Panel > Programs > Uninstall or change a program.
Click View installed updates on the left.
Use the search box to locate the following updates:
– KB3035583, KB2952664, and KB3021917 (Windows 7) or
– KB3035583 and KB2976978 (Windows 8).
Right-click each one and select Uninstall.
When done,
go to System and security in the Control Panel,
select Windows Update > Check for updates.
Right-click each of the above updates in turn and select Hide update.

© 1997-2014 Springwolf, D.D., Ph.D., Springwolf's Kosmos. All Rights Reserved.
© 1997-2015 Springwolf, D.D., Ph.D., Springwolf’s Creations. All Rights Reserved.