My Delight and Treasure
Each year I’ve been with you
Has been better than before;
It’s hard for me to think
How I could love you more.
Each year you’ve graced my life
Has been a time truly blessed;
I love your caring face, your voice,
Your tender and sweet caress.
Each year as this day arrives,
I’m filled with love and pleasure;
Happy Anniversary my Sweet,
My joy, my delight, my treasure!
I love you, each one of the 11 years you graced my life, and each one to come, forever and always!
~ Springwolf 2014
Poem Inspired by Joanna Fuchs “Every Year”
 Happy Anniversary by Springwolf © 2014
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© 1997-2014 Springwolf, D.D., Ph.D., Springwolf’s Creations. All Rights Reserved.