Tonight On The Ænigma Project: Halloween Ghost Stories

SpringOnTheRadioThe Ænigma Project – Mondays 9 PM EST

The Ænigma Project LIVE talk radio! Stop by and listen awhile as our hosts talk about the realm of the supernatural, paranormal and share mysterious events that take place in our lives everyday. Learn a little, laugh a lot, be intrigued and maybe even get a little scared. We look beyond the surface of the news at what’s hidden beneath layers of misunderstandings, misconceptions and even some of the fear propagated in our society today.

Join Paul Cagle and his co-hosts Sushi and Springwolf as we share our research, knowledge, insight and humor of the spiritual and paranormal.

Be part of our Ænigmite Crew and play “Truth or Tale”, can you tell which stories are real or which are made up? And find out what the latest strange or unusual news item is being talked about for the week as we discuss the “News of the Day”.

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This week on The Ænigma Project:

Pumpkin Tales

Pumpkin Tales

Oct. 27 – Halloween Ghost Stories
The Ghouls and Goblins Of Halloween
Twas the night of Ghosts, Goblins and Spooks. The night hidden in shadow beneath the watchful moon. When the Good Folk of the Shire below have placed Jack-o-Lanterns on their porches, door stops and steps to ward of the spirits of the night. They dress up in costume to fool the ghouls to hide their presence along their travels in the darkness.
But the mischievous spirits of the night knock on doors and demand their treats or tricks they’ll play all over the street. While the Good Folk shiver and shake by the hearth inside, afraid to go out or take a peak outside. Lighting candles and praying the evil passes them by.
But fear not, my fellow folk, for the good Fairies are afoot this eve. Flitting here and there, sharing their light throughout the peaceful shire. Casting their magikal dust over the tiny homes and the malicious ghouls who haunt the land throughout the night.
As the warm rays of light rise up over the horizons, and chase the goblins from the shadows of the night. The Good Folk throw open the shutters and unlock their doors to the light of day. They celebrate with excitement and with offerings of fruit and breads. They share their platters with the wee folk of plant and forest. “Blessings and thanks we send to thee, our Fairy folk of flower and tree!”  ~ Springwolf  © 2014
Stories and tales of Fairies, Leprechauns, and Ghosts have long been associated with Halloween. Where did they come from? How did they get started? We’ll share a little bit of that history, what some of the original stories tell us and how they came to be today. But more importantly, we’ll talk about our favorite stories and maybe even share a few. Don’t miss it!

Our Up Coming Shows:

  • November 3 – The Monthly Free Form Show
  • November 10 – The Most Paranormal Area In The U.S.
  • November The Modern Return of Jesus Christ

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