Granddaddy Holland’s NC BBQ Cole Slaw

I’ve heard many stories about Gary’s side of the family going to Love Valley in North Carolina to visit their grand parents. One of the stories I often hear about are the bbq dinners with Granddaddy’s special Cole Slaw. It became a family tradition and even a family secret.
Sadly, Granddaddy Holland passed away before passing on his secret recipe that everyone loved so much. But cousin Kevin has been working on that recipe for a number of years and everyone has told me he has recreated it quite well.
Like a lot of North Carolina bbq, this slaw has a vinegar base.
Preparation time: 10 minutes or 2 days.
This is best when made 2 days ahead of meal time, so flavors have time to blend.
- 3 pounds of cabbage
- 2 carrots
- ¼ cup sugar
- 1 cup vinegar
- add the following to taste:
- salt
- pepper
- texas pete
- celery salt
- 1 can of diced tomatoes (mashed)
- 1 can pimento and oil (mashed)
- Chop cabbage into narrow slices.
- Dice carrots, also into narrow and thin slices.
- Drain the juice from the diced can of tomatoes into the a large mixing bowl.
- Empty the diced tomatoes onto a small cookie sheet. Using a potato smasher crush the diced tomatoes loosely. Drain the cookie sheet and tomatoes into the large bowl.
- Empty the pimento juice & oil into the large bowl.
- Again, using the potato smasher, crush the pimentoes on the same cookie sheet. Drain the pimentoes and crushed juice into the large bowl.
- Add the carrots and cabbage to the mix and toss these together well.
- Next, add the vinegar, sugar, salt, pepper, texas pete and celery salt into the bowl and mix thoroughly by gently tossing all these ingredients together.
- Mix thoroughly, cover with plastic wrap tightly and place in the fridge.
- Keep cold until serving.
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