Samsung Galaxy S5

galaxys5I LOVE My New Phone

Each week it seems like we’re moving the DomlyDude’s business one step closer to being in full operation. We registered it in March and started the final set-ups for funding. That includes the business plan and the really tough part, the financial projections. We’re up to getting the licenses that will allow us to go into full operations in June! Yeah.

Part of my part in all this is being the person who answers the office phone. We decided the best way to take care of that in today’s world is through a cell phone. That meant we could take AT&T up on a recent offer they sent him and pick me up a new phone. A brand spankin’ new Samsung Galaxy S5!

I’m slightly in culture shock. My last cell was a Samsung Galaxy Nexus. It’s a big upgrade! But I’m loving my phone! I’ve spent 3 days setting it up and transferring data. Most of the transfer was a breeze! The set up has taken the bulk of the time, because I have so many new features and capabilities that I never had before!

There’s a lot of kewl things about the S5 that I didn’t have on the Nexus. One of the biggest things I like is that I can add Home Screens! Yes!! My close friends tell me I’m overly organized and not being able to organize the apps I use most was driving me nuts. I didn’t add too many more. I only have 7. smiley-wink
Being the teacher person I am, I like sharing what I learn in hopes someone else out there will find it help and overcome their frustration a little more quickly than I might have trying to find an answer. Oh and I LOVE sharing my reviews of new apps I’ve found and fallen in love with. I have several of those to add! So check out my new GalaxyTech section.

I’m having a blast!

© 1997-2014 Springwolf, D.D., Ph.D., Springwolf's Kosmos. All Rights Reserved.
© 1997-2014 Springwolf, D.D., Ph.D., Springwolf’s Kosmos. All Rights Reserved.


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